

词组 representation
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2having representatives to speak/vote for you 有代表ADJECTIVE | VERB + REPRESENTATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbroad, large 广泛的/人数众多的代表The task force had broad representation with members drawn from different departments.特别工作组的成员来自不同的部门,具有广泛的代表性。increased 人数增加的代表strong 强有力的代表effective 有效的代表adequate 充分的代表balanced, equal, fair 均衡的/人数相等的/公平的代表disproportionate 不成比例的代表direct 直接代表direct representation in Parliament议会中的直接代表democratic, proportional 民主代表制;比例代表制collective 集体代表Textile workers wanted collective representation.纺织工人想要集体代表。parliamentary, political 议会代表;政治代表black, female, minority 黑人/女性/少数族裔代表legal 法定代理人diplomatic 外交代表union 工会代表employee 员工代表VERB + REPRESENTATIONhave 有代表They had a strong representation in government.他们在政府中拥有强势代言人。be entitled to 享有派出代理人的权利Whether guilty or innocent, we are still entitled to legal representation.不管有罪与否,我们仍然有请律师的权利。achieve, secure, win 得到/取得/赢得代表资格All parties won representation in the national assembly.所有政党在国民大会中都赢得了代表资格。ensure, guarantee 确保/保证代表He claims that their electoral system ensures fair representation of all parties.他声称他们的选举体制确保所有政党的公平参政。increase 增加代表The party has increased its representation in Parliament.该党在议会中的代表增加了。reduce 减少代表allow sb, provide (sb with) 让某人有代表;(为某人)提供代理The accused was not allowed legal representation.被告未获准请律师。seek 寻求代表workers that seek union representation寻求工会代表的工人们Sanchez is now seeking legal representation.桑切斯正在寻找法定代理人。get, obtain 得到/获得代理PREPOSITIONrepresentation by 由⋯代表representation by a lawyer由律师代表representation for 代表⋯representation for employees代表员工representation from 来自⋯的代表representation from all parties各党代表representation on ⋯方面的代表shareholder representation on the boards of directors董事会中的股东代表PHRASESa system of representation 代表制




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