

词组 reply
释义 reply


ADJECTIVE | VERB + REPLY | REPLY + VERB | REPLY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief, monosyllabic (especially BrE) 简短的答复;单音节词的回答blunt, curt, short, terse 率直的/唐突无礼的/简短的/扼要的答复His reply was short and to the point.他的回答简要而中肯。sarcastic, scathing 讽刺的/刻薄的答复only 唯一的回答A non-committal grunt was his only reply.他只是不置可否地咕哝了一声,算作回答。simple 简单的回答Her reply was simple: 'No.'她的回答是一个简单的“不”字。standard, usual 标准的/通常的答复'No comment' is his standard reply to most questions.“无可奉告”是他对多数问题的标准回答。straight 直截了当的答复She refused to give a straight reply, deciding rather to defer the question.她不愿直截了当地回答,决定把这个问题先拖着。evasive, non-committal 模棱两可的/不置可否的回答proper, satisfactory (especially BrE) 适当的答复;令人满意的回答suitable 适宜的回答correct 正确的回答affirmative, positive 肯定的回答negative 否定的回答early, immediate, prompt, quick 及早的答复;立即回答;迅速回答formal 正式答复individual, personal 个别/亲自答复written 书面答复polite 礼貌的答复thoughtful 经缜密思考的答复Many thanks for your thoughtful reply, we greatly appreciate it.非常感谢你缜密思考后的答复,对此我们很感激。witty 机智的答复muffled 压低了声音的答复'I'm in here!' came the muffled reply.“我在这里!” 一个压低了的声音回答道。VERB + REPLYget, have, receive 得到答复;有答复;收到答复Have you had a reply to your letter yet?你收到回信了吗?give sb, make, offer 给某人答复;作答He made no reply, but simply walked away.他没答话,而是径直走开了。Grace could offer no reply.格雷丝回答不上来。post, send, send back, type, write 贴回复;寄答复;寄回答复;打出回复;写回复I'll post the replies later on my web page.稍后我会把回复贴在我的网页上。I must write my letter in time for them to send back a reply.我必须及时写信,以便他们能来得及答复。elicit, produce 探出答复;引出回答The report elicited a formal reply from the department.这一报告使该部门作出了正式回复。The questionnaire produced 9 000 replies.调查问卷收到了 9,000 份答卷。grunt (sth in), mumble (sth in), mutter (sth in) 咕哝着回答;含糊地回答'Mmm!' she grunted in reply.“唔!”她嗯了一声作为回答。wait for 等待答复await, expect (in letters 书信中使用) (both formal) 敬候赐复;盼复I await your reply with interest.敬候赐复并心向往之。hear, read 听见回答;读到回复She heard no reply.她没有听见任何回答。REPLY + VERBcome, come back 答复到来'No!' came the reply.回答说“不!”A reply came back the next day.第二天答复来了。be forthcoming 答复即将作出No reply seemed to be forthcoming.似乎一切杳无音信。REPLY + NOUNcard, envelope, form, slip (BrE) 回执卡;回执信封;回执表格;回执Please complete the reply card and return it to us as soon as possible.请填好回执卡并尽快寄还我们。button (= in email) 回复键It's easy to just hit the reply button.只需点击回复键就行,很简单。PREPOSITIONin reply (to sth) 答复(⋯)What did they say in reply?他们是怎么回答的?I am writing in reply to your request for information on hotels in Italy.现回复您关于意大利旅馆情况的问询。reply from 来自⋯的答复a reply from the minister部长的答复reply to 对⋯的答复my reply to your query对您质询的答复PHRASESa/the right of reply (especially BrE) 回应机会I am grateful to you for having given me a right of reply (= the opportunity to respond) to the article in your magazine about my company.感谢您给予我机会回应贵刊登载的有关我公司的文章。




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