

词组 blame
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ADVERB | VERB + BLAME | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBunfairly, unjustly 不公平地/不公正地指责partly 部分归咎于not really 的确不能真正怪罪You can't really blame them for not telling you.你不能真正责怪他们没有告诉你。widely 广泛地指责He is widely blamed for masterminding the attacks.他因为策划了这一系列攻击而受到广泛谴责。VERB + BLAMEcan't, don't 不能/不要指责'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!'“他一说那句话我就啪地挂了电话。”“你做得有道理!”can hardly 很难责怪You can hardly blame Peter for being angry with her.彼得生她的气有原因,你责怪他说不大过去。PREPOSITIONfor 因⋯责怪I don't blame Jack for the mistake.对于这个过错,我不责怪杰克。on 归咎于Whenever something goes wrong, everyone blames it on me.一出什么错儿,所有人都把责任归咎于我。PHRASESbe to blame (for sth) (为⋯)承担责任A spokesman said that bad weather was partly to blame for the delay.发言人称,延误部分是由糟糕的天气造成的。be widely blamed for sth 因⋯受到广泛指责The government has been widely blamed for the crisis.政府因这次危机受到广泛指责。




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