

词组 illumination
释义 illumination


ADJECTIVE | ... OF ILLUMINATION | VERB + ILLUMINATION | ILLUMINATION + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbright, good, strong 明亮的光照;良好的照明;强烈的光照dim 微弱的照明Imaginative stage lighting provided dim illumination.富有想象力的舞台灯光打出微弱朦胧的光。artificial 人工照明the artificial illumination of the studio工作室的人工照明natural 自然光线The skylights are designed to optimize natural illumination.设计天窗的目的在于优化自然照明。... OF ILLUMINATIONlevel 照明度lights providing a good level of illumination提供较高照明度的灯具VERB + ILLUMINATIONprovide 提供照明The skylight will provide good illumination from above.天窗会从顶部提供充足的光照。ILLUMINATION + VERBcome from sth 光亮来自⋯Most of the illumination came from candles.光亮大多来自蜡烛。PHRASESa source of illumination 光源The only source of illumination was a single small window.唯一透光的地方是一扇小窗户。




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