

词组 day
释义 day


4(often days) particular period of time 时期ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEearly, former, old, olden 早期;以前;旧时in the early days of television刚有电视的那些日子school, student, young 求学/学生/青年时代in his younger days他年轻的时候glory, golden, happy, heady 光荣时代;黄金时代;幸福时光;令人陶醉的时光the heady days of the 'swinging sixties'“多姿多彩的 60 年代”那些令人热血沸腾的时光dark 暗淡日子the dark days of recession经济衰退时那些灰暗的日子playing 运动生涯Some players go into management once their playing days are over.一些运动员在结束运动生涯后从事管理工作。PREPOSITIONin sb's day 在某人的时代Things were very different in my grandfather's day.祖父的那个年代情况大不一样。of the day 当时the government of the day当时的政府since the days of 自⋯时以来Much has changed since the days of my youth.和我年轻时相比已经有了很大变化。PHRASESgone are the days when... ⋯的日子一去不复返Gone are the days when you could smoke in restaurants.能在餐厅吸烟的日子一去不复返了。the bad old days, the good old days 过去的糟糕日子/好时光That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.那是在恶性通货膨胀的苦日子里。in this day and age 在当今时代in those days 在那时候the present day 今天这个时代a study of drama from Ibsen to the present day从易卜生到现今的戏剧研究these days 现在Kids grow up so quickly these days.现在的孩子长得真快。those were the days (used to suggest that a time in the past was better than now) 那才叫好日子




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