

词组 assessment
释义 assessment


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ASSESSMENT | ASSESSMENT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbroad, general, overall 综合/总体/整体评价individual 个别的评估continuous, regular 不间断的/定期的评估Examination is by continuous assessment.考试采取持续测评的方式。quick, rapid 快速作出的/迅速作出的评价external, internal 外部/内部评价initial 最初的评价final 最终的评价follow-up 后续的评价accurate, balanced, fair, good, honest, proper, realistic 准确的/全面的/公正的/合理的/诚实的/适当的/切合实际的评价careful, comprehensive, detailed, formal, quantitative, systematic, thorough 仔细的/全面的/详细的/正式的/定量的/系统的/彻底的评估independent, objective 独立的/客观的评估personal, subjective 个人的/主观的评价He was shrewd in his personal assessments.他总能作出准确的评价。adequate 充分的评价critical 审慎的评价optimistic, pessimistic 乐观的/悲观的评价course 课程评估tax 税款核定damage, health, impact, intelligence, needs, performance, quality, risk, threat 损失/健康/影响力/智力/需求/业绩/质量/风险/威胁评估Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.医院要提供有效的医疗保健,需求评估是关键。clinical, educational, financial (especially BrE) , medical, psychiatric, psychological, scientific 临床/教育/财政/医学/精神/心理/科学评估VERB + ASSESSMENTcarry out, complete, conduct, do, make, perform, undertake 进行/完成/实施/从事/作出/实行/着手进行评估The new manager carried out an assessment of the sales department.新上任的经理对销售部进行了评估。give, offer, provide 给予评估ASSESSMENT + NOUNmethods, procedures, technique, tools 评估方法/程序/技巧/工具criteria 评估标准process, system 评估过程/体系PHRASESa form of assessment, a method of assessment 评估方法




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