

词组 exercise
释义 exercise


5for a particular result 为某结果ADJECTIVE | VERB + EXERCISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEsimple, straightforward 简单的活动;直接的活动major, massive (especially BrE) 主要活动;大型活动The Government instituted a massive exercise in social control.政府发起了大规模的社会管控行动。successful 成功的活动fascinating, interesting, useful, valuable, worthwhile 吸引人的/有意思的/有用的/有价值的/值得的活动arbitrary, cosmetic, cynical, empty, fruitless, futile, pointless 随意的/装点门面的/愤世嫉俗的/空洞的/毫无结果的/无用的/毫无意义的活动In the end it proved a pointless exercise.最终证明这一行动毫无意义。academic, intellectual, mental, paper (especially BrE) , practical, technical, theoretical 学术/智力/脑力/文案/实际/技术/理论工作This is not a purely academic exercise: it should have a real impact on the way we work.这不单纯是学术研究,而应该对我们的工作方式产生实质性的影响。costly, expensive 费钱的工作;花费大的工作political 政治活动The whole consultation process was just a cynical political exercise.整个咨询过程序只是一次愤世嫉俗的政治活动。consultation (BrE) 咨询活动cost-cutting, damage-limitation, marketing, propaganda, public relations (abbreviated to PR) (all especially BrE) 成本削减/损害控制/营销/宣传/公关活动evaluation 评估活动role-playing, team-building 角色扮演/团队建设活动We run team-building exercises with employees at each office.我们为每个办公室的雇员举办了团队建设的活动。VERB + EXERCISEcarry out, conduct, perform 开展活动;进行工作The company has just carried out a major cost-cutting exercise.公司刚刚开展了一项重大的削减成本活动。embark on, mount (both BrE) 开始从事活动;组织活动Before embarking on any exercise, you should conduct a cost-benefit analysis.进行任何活动之前,应先做成本-利润分析。PREPOSITIONexercise in ⋯活动The seminar was a valuable exercise in information exchange.那个研讨会是一次有价值的信息交流活动。PHRASESthe aim of the exercise, the object of the exercise 活动的目的/目标The object of the exercise is to increase public awareness of environmental issues.活动的目的是增强公众对环境问题的意识。




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