

词组 truth
释义 truth


1what is true 真实情况ADJECTIVE | ... OF TRUTH | VERB + TRUTH | TRUTH + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEabsolute, gospel (informal) , honest (informal) , real 绝对的事实;绝对真理;大实话;真正的事实She takes everything she reads in the paper as gospel truth.她把在报纸上看到的一切都当作是绝对真实的情况。complete, entire, full, whole 全部的事实;所有的事实It still doesn't make sense to me-I don't think he's told us the whole truth.我还是觉得讲不通 - 我认为他没有告诉我们全部真相。exact, literal 分毫不差的/不折不扣的事实naked, plain, simple 赤裸裸的/清楚的/简单的事实The simple truth is he's lost his job.事实很简单,他丢了工作。pure, unvarnished 纯粹的/原原本本的事实the plain unvarnished truth清清楚楚原原本本的事实hidden, secret 隐藏的/秘密的真相the hidden truth behind the events of the last four years在过去四年事件的背后隐藏着的真相underlying 根本的事实awful, bitter, brutal, cruel, dreadful, grim, hard, harsh, horrible, painful, sad, shocking, terrible, ugly, uncomfortable, unfortunate, unpalatable (especially BrE) , unpleasant, unwelcome 令人极不愉快的/冷酷的/残酷的/残忍的/令人畏惧的/无情的/严峻的/严酷的/可怕的/令人痛苦的/可悲的/令人震惊的/糟糕的/令人不快的/令人感到不舒服的/不幸的/令人难以接受的/不愉快的/不受欢迎的事实the shocking truth about heroin addiction among the young年轻人吸食海洛因成瘾的惊人事实真相The sad truth is he never loved her.令人悲哀的是他从未爱过她。factual, objective 确实发生过的/客观存在的事实empirical, historical, moral, poetic, psychological, religious, scientific, spiritual 以经验为根据的事实;历史事实;道德事实;诗意的真实;心理事实;宗教事实;科学事实;精神事实It's a good movie but contains little historical truth.电影不错,不过里面没有多少史实。divine, revealed 神圣的事实;揭示的真相the revealed truth of God神所启示的真相... OF TRUTHelement, germ, glimmer, grain, kernel, nugget, ounce, shred 几分真实性;真理的萌芽;少许事实;一线真实;事实的核心;可贵的真相;一点儿真实性;真相的碎片There may have been a grain of truth in what he said.他说的话或许有一丁点儿真实性。VERB + TRUTHknow 知道实情So now you know the truth.那么现在你知道实情了。If the truth be known, I was afraid to tell anyone.如果要实话实说的话,是我不敢告诉任何人。admit, convey, expose, speak, tell (sb) 承认事实;说出事实;揭露真相;告诉(某人)事实He was reminded of his duty to speak the truth when questioned in court.他被提醒在回答法庭问题时,有责任讲真话。I'm sure she's telling the truth.我确信她说的是真话。To tell you the truth, I'm rather dreading his return.跟你说实话吧,我非常害怕他回来。establish, discern, discover, find out, get, get at, get to, learn, reveal, uncover 确立/识别/发现/找出/获得/接近/触及到/了解/揭示/发掘真相She was determined to discover the truth about her boss.她下决心要查明老板的真相。We're going to try to get the truth out of this boy.我们将设法从男孩这里得到实情。The journalist protested that he was only trying to get at the truth.记者抗议说,他只想查明事情的真相。seek 求真务实a man on a journey seeking the truth about God and humanity在寻求上帝和人的真相之路上的男子guess 猜测真相accept, acknowledge, face (up to), grasp, realize 接受真相;承认真相;面对现实;把握真相;认识现实He realized the truth in Adam's words.他意识到亚当话语中的真实性。doubt 怀疑真实性The police doubt the truth of his statement.警察怀疑他没有说真话。conceal, cover up, hide, suppress 隐瞒事实;掩盖事实You've been hiding the truth from me!你一直对我隐瞒事实!deny 否认事实Dare anyone deny the truth of what we have said?有人敢否认我们所说的事实吗?bend, distort, stretch, twist 曲解/歪曲/夸大/扭曲事实真相Lawyers distorted the truth about the deal.律师们歪曲了有关此交易的真相。handle 对待真相He was too fragile to handle the truth.他太脆弱,无法面对事情的真相。TRUTH + VERBbe, lie 事实是We are examining the matter to see where the truth lies.我们正在调查这件事情的真相。come out, emerge 真相大白Almost at the end of the letter the cruel truth emerged.在信的结尾处终于道出了残酷的事实。dawn on sb 某人明白真相The awful truth suddenly dawned on her.她突然明白了可怕的事实。PREPOSITIONin truth 事实上She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun.她虽然有说有笑的,但事实上并不怎么开心。truth about 关于⋯的真相She would later find out the truth about her husband.她以后会查明有关她丈夫的真相。truth behind ⋯背后的事实What's the truth behind all the gossip?流言背后的真相是什么?truth in ⋯中的真实性There is no truth in these allegations.这些指控完全不符合事实。PHRASESan/the arbiter of truth 真相的仲裁者They claim to be the arbiters of sacred truth.他们自称是神圣的真理的仲裁者。be economical with the truth (= not to tell the whole truth) (especially BrE) 没说出全部实情moment of truth (成败分晓等的)关键时刻Finally the moment of truth will be upon you.最后的关键时刻将取决于你。nothing could be further from the truth 完全不是事实I know you think she's mean, but nothing could be further from the truth.我知道你认为她小气,但事实完全不是这样。the pursuit of (the) truth 追寻真理They were motivated by the pursuit of the truth.他们是出于对真理的追求。the quest for (the) truth, the search for (the) truth 寻找真理a ring of truth 有几分真话His explanation has a ring of truth to it.他的解释里有几分真话。a seeker after truth (literary) 追求真理的人seekers after divine truth追求神圣真理的人a semblance of truth 真理的表象the truth of the matter 事情的真相The truth of the matter is we can't afford to keep all the staff on.事实是我们没有能力继续雇用所有员工。the truth will come out, the truth will out (saying) 真相总会大白




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