

drop names drop off drop off the hooks drop off the radar drop on
drop (one) a few lines drop (one) a line drop (one) a note drop (one) in it drop (one's) aitches
drop (one's) bundle drop (one's) cookies drop (one's) drawers drop (one's) guard drop (one's) teeth
drop (one's) trousers drop one’s cookies drop one’s teeth dropout drop out
dropout factory drop out of drop out of sight drop out of (something) drop over
dropped dropper dropping droppings drop round
drop somebody a line/note drop somebody in it drop some knowledge on (one) drop someone drop someone a line
drop someone in it drop (someone or something) like a hot brick drop (someone or something) like a hot potato drop someone or something like a hot potato drop (someone or something) on (someone or something)
drop (someone's) name drop someone some knowledge drop someone/something like a hot potato drop (something) in (someone's) lap drop something like a hot potato
drop teeth drop the ball drop the dime on drop the F-bomb drop the gloves
drop the L-bomb drop the mic drop the other shoe drop the pilot drop the subject
Drop the subject! drop the writ drop trou drop up Drop you!
drop your aitches drop your bundle drop your trousers drove drown
drowned rat, like a/wet as a drown in drown in self-pity drown in (something) drown (one's) sorrow(s)
drown one's sorrows drown (one's) troubles drown out drown sorrow drown the shamrock
drown troubles drown your sorrows drube drug drug deal
drugged up to the eyeballs druggie druggy drughead drug lord
drug of choice drugola drug on the market drug out drugstore cowboy
drum fall under fall under (someone or something) fall under (someone's) spell fall under spell
fall under the spell of (someone) fall (up)on (someone or something) fall victim fall wide of the mark fall within
fall within (something) false false advertising false alarm false as Cressida
false colors false dawn false economy false friend false friends are worse than open enemies
false modesty false move false note false pride false start
false step falsies falter falter in falter in (something)
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