drown one's sorrows

drown (one's) sorrow(s)

To attempt to forget one's troubles through the consumption of something, typically alcohol (to which the phrase originally referred). It's not healthy to just drown your sorrows every time a girl breaks up with you. Quit drinking and try to face reality. Whenever I have a hard week at work, I like to spend Friday night drowning my sorrow in pizza and ice cream.
See also: drown
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

drown one's sorrows

Drink liquor to escape one's unhappiness. For example, After the divorce, she took to drowning her sorrows at the local bar. The notion of drowning in drink dates from the late 1300s.
See also: drown, sorrow
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • drown (one's) sorrow(s)
  • drown sorrow
  • drown your sorrows
  • sorrow
  • drown (one's) troubles
  • drown troubles
  • drown the shamrock
  • (from) top to toe
  • a full-time job
  • be remembered as (something)
References in periodicals archive
The curious thing about all of this is that drink is a greater killer and the Government actually resists any real punitive measures to curb excesses, although it may pretend to do so, just like the increase in gambling dens where one can not only lose all one's money but drown one's sorrows as well.