outline the evolution of London's migrant division of labor, charting the emergence of a new migrant division of
labor at the bottom end of the city's labor market, revealing how London's low-wage labor market continues to be characterized by national, ethnic, racial and gender divisions (global cities like London have benefited immensely from migrant labor), and highlighting the extent of London's dependence on the rest of the world for its low-paid labor supply.
The flexibility demands of globalized labor markets: active labor market policies in a flexicurity system
WEB WATCH: For information on federal child-labor laws, including rules on hazardous work, go to the Department of
Labor at www.dol.gov/dol/topic /youthlabor/hazardousjobs.htm.
For the Amish, tradition and the Law Collide: wary of idle hands, the Amish are seeking an exemption from child labor laws for their teenage boys
that parents [of unschooled children] to a considerable extent are insensible to the wrong they are permitting to be inflicted upon their offspring."(38) Behind the shield of parental authority two perils to the child were sheltered, in his estimation: parental "cupidity and carelessness" and "the excessive and growing demand for the cheapest possible labor" by employers.(39) However, whereas it was granted that employers were driven by market forces to purchase labor at its lowest price, parents of unenrolled children were perceived as deviant, ignorant, or both, in depriving their own of a "fair elementary education."(40)
Daniels, eds., Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor at Home (Urbana, 1989).
Learning and earning: schooling, juvenile employment, and the early life course in late nineteenth-century New Haven
"Does it mean just bringing people into unions, or does it mean building a social movement with
labor at its center?"
Resurrecting road kill
In the June 12 SCIENCE, Zingg and his colleagues report that a gene in the uterus of pregnant rats that codes for the production of oxytocin becomes steadily more active during pregnancy, peaking just before
labor at more than 150 times its normal level of expression.
Explanation for premature and delayed labor