
grumble about (someone or something)

To complain or gripe about someone or something. I turned the thermostat up, so you all can stop grumbling about how cold it is in here, thanks. Of course Marjorie is grumbling about how I left dishes out in the kitchen—she's not happy unless everything is perfectly put away.
See also: grumble

grumble at (someone)

To complain or gripe to someone about someone or something. I turned the thermostat up, so you all can stop grumbling at me about how cold it is in here, thanks. Of course Marjorie is grumbling at anyone who will listen about how I left dishes out in the kitchen—she's not happy unless everything is perfectly put away.
See also: grumble

grumble in the gizzard

To be annoyed or unhappy. Primarily heard in US. The outcome of that race left me grumbling in the gizzard—I thought for sure I had bet on the right horse!
See also: gizzard, grumble
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

grumble about someone or something

to complain about someone or something. What are you grumbling about now? The students were grumbling about the teacher.
See also: grumble

grumble at someone

to complain to someone. Go grumble at someone else. I'm tired of listening. Stop grumbling at me!
See also: grumble
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • grumble about
  • grumble about (someone or something)
  • grumble at
  • grumble at (someone)
  • groan
  • groan about
  • groan about (someone or something)
  • grouse about
  • grouse about (someone or something)
  • grouse
References in periodicals archive
Often people years younger feel they must grumble. These oldies set a good example and I know exactly what they mean.
The officers still complained about the lack of money, saying: "Still, mustn't grumble - carry on chaps." and the lads said: "What a flipping Army this is!" Last night, 58 years after I started my National Service and 40 years after I completed regular service, I watched a programme on Afghanistan - and guess what?
The plot revolves around the Squeaks, who are busted when the Grumbles spot one of them and vow to eliminate the mice in whatever way possible.
GRUMBLE! You eat the cafeteria's spicy bean dip, and ...
Now that I've lavished a bit of praise, allow me to grumble a bit as well.
"The idea is to help yourself think through your issues," not merely grumble about them
A fair agreement makes all parties to it grumble equally, people say--so get ready to grumble.
Another might be that, while a lot of people grumble about the present Government, they have even less time for the current opposition.
AHEAD OF THE CURVE: That the neoconservative National Review or Heritage Foundation would grumble about Bush's conservative apostasy shows just how far to the left the administration has tilted--or how transparent that apostasy has become among the grass-roots conservatives the Establishment neoconservative network wants to lead astray.
Bill Cotterell, a political writer and columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat, was suspended without pay after he wrote in an e-mail to a reader that Arabs should get over their animosity toward Israel after all these years: "OK, they can squat around the camel-dung fire and grumble about it, or they can put their bottoms in the air five times a day and pray for deliverance; that's their business.
But Greenwich Village residents oppose big box stores because they will take away space from playing fields for their children, while Brooklyn borough officials grumble about the aquarium competing with the one at Coney Island.
If you find yourself in a troubled parish where disunity seems to be the order of the day, don't just sit there and grumble. Pray for your parish, your priest, and the entire Church.
Midwesterners call the insects corn earworms, but farmers elsewhere grumble about cotton bollworms and tomato fruitworms.
Pharmaceutical companies may grumble about the cost, but buying lunch for physicians and their staff members was just as expensive, Ms.
If you ignore their needs, they grumble or object--and even if you have the power to force them to do what you say, they don't put their hearts into it.