drop the subject

drop the subject

Stop discussing this topic at once. Yes, I was late today—can we just drop the subject now? I don't want to talk about my ex anymore! Drop the subject!
See also: drop, subject
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Drop the subject!

 and Drop it!
Fig. Do not discuss it further! Bill: Sally, you're gaining a little weight. I thought you were on a diet. Sally: That's enough! Drop the subject! Bill: That house is a mess. I wonder who lives there. Mary: That's my aunt's house. Just what did you want to know about it? Bill: Oh, drop it! Sorry I asked.
See also: drop
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • Drop the subject!
  • drop it
  • Drop it!
  • drop in
  • drop in(to) (something)
  • drop over
  • fond of a drop
  • drop in for a chat
  • drop trou
  • f-bomb
References in classic literature
'You may as well drop the subject, Tom,' said Short.
Let us drop the subject. The preacher at the Refuge is nothing but a remembrance now--the one welcome remembrance of my life!
But I will drop the subject, lest I say something about the old masters that might as well be left unsaid.
"If you don't mind, Sir Edward," he said, "I guess we'll drop the subject of Mr.
Inayatullah also asked Munawar to drop the subject since the speaker had already given his ruling.
But after her first year of study, the local college decided to drop the subject from the syllabus.
'I remember thinking, "At last, I know what I want to do with myself, I want to Some of Susan's designs at the fashion show be creative."' But after her first year of study, the local college decided to drop the subject from the syllabus.
It would be unwise for organisations to drop the subject of performance completely, hence its time for leaders to dig deep into the process and culture of performance and identify innovative ways to amend it if required and ensure its creating meaningful results that justify all the time and emotional efforts invested in it.
He has previously told the Record that Rosemary could remember her mum but, when she asked about the disappearance, she was told to drop the subject.
If your friend says, "That's nice" drop the subject. If your friend takes an interest, say, "I think I may be able to save you money.
Even if Quinn manages to get her to leave for now and drop the subject, she likely won't.
Upon hearing the word "bomb", for example, you might roll your eyes and calmly state "It was fireworks, Bob," then drop the subject. Once his "jokes" fail to produce a reaction, provoking you will no longer be any fun.
" Arab students are not able to drop the subject until after Grade 12.
"While the country is being sold plot by plot, Davutoy-lu shows up and tells them [Arync and GE[micro]kcek] to drop the subject. What will they drop?
The Telegram reporters were having too much fun to drop the subject and they came up with various wild speculations about it.