fall from power

fall from power

To lose one's authority or power in a particular situation or setting. That CEO fell from power once news of his scandal broke.
See also: fall, power
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

fall from power

Fig. to go out of power; to go out of office. The dictator fell from power after the riots. Every ruler will fall from power sooner or later.
See also: fall, power
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • power tool
  • come into power
  • get into power
  • people power
  • in power
  • power
  • put (one) in power
  • put (one) into power
  • put into power
  • power up
References in periodicals archive
The book explores his role in state and national politics as a local machine politician who attempted to break free from this stereotype as he entered the national stage, examining his transformation from local and state politician to national leader, including his fall from power. (Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)
Chandy had been keeping a low profile since his fall from power in May 2016 when the Left Democratic Front swept to power as his ministry got caught in corruption allegations in the months leading to the assembly elections.
His (http://psychics.co.uk/blog/predictions/) website prediction regarding the North Korea fallout reads , "'Kim Jong-un will be fall from power later in the year 6 maybe December 2017 or January 2018' I know it looks like we are on the brink of war but my feeling is that he will be deposed by his own people."
A man who was a hero of his nation's liberation struggle became a dictator, and his belated fall from power should send chills down the spines of every other despot in Africa and around the world.
The BOC has not officially released the appraisal of the Roumeliotes set, which is deemed to be the most expensive of three jewelry collections confiscated from the Marcoses or their cronies after their fall from power in 1986.
He did judicial work between 1996 and 2001, during the Taliban's ruling period in Afghanistan, and following the group's fall from power in late 2001 he worked as Taliban Chief Justice.
This was on the very day in 1990 when Geoffrey Howe had made his historic "broken cricket bat" speech, which brought about Margaret Thatcher's fall from power.
To put it another way, the big June 7 question of whether the AKP will fall from power has turned into the newer question of whether the AKP will rise to power again.
Despite his fall from power more than a decade ago, former President and now Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada still wields huge influence in local politics based on his performance in the past two elections, MalacaAaAaAeA~ang admitted on Thursda
Hundreds of thousands of viewers tuned into RTE to watch Haughey's dramatic fall from power.
London, May 4 ( ANI ): Gerard Depardieu-starrer 'Welcome to New York' which focuses on former IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn's dramatic fall from power in the aftermath of sexual assault charges, will be released online after premiering at the Cannes Festival.
He must hide his true identity from the Crows, who believe him a key player in a prophecy that predicts their fall from power. Meanwhile, Pirra, daughter of a high priestess, is on the run from yet another unwanted arranged marriage and washes up on Thalakrea.
Following Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood's fall from power, the Egyptian army destroyed tunnels connecting Egypt to the border town of Rafah.
Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, is in the midst of a financial and political crisis following the fall from power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Commenting the future of the current Socialist-led cabinet, Borisov predicted that it will not fall from power as long as it has the strong support of nationalists Ataka party, in spite of the cabinet's weak governance.