fallen woman

fallen woman

dated A woman who has lost respect because of engaging in premarital sex. Many cultures still consider females who engage in sex before they are married as fallen women and advise men against becoming involved with them.
See also: fallen, woman
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • have sex
  • be on the game
  • the sex talk
  • sex goddess
  • on the game
  • sex machine
  • sex-machine
  • polished
  • get one’s knob polished
  • knob
References in classic literature
"I said that a fallen woman should be forgiven, but I didn't say I could forgive her.
As a characteristic addition to the above, it was currently reported that the young prince really loved the lady to whom he was engaged, and had thrown her over out of purely Nihilistic motives, with the intention of giving himself the satisfaction of marrying a fallen woman in the face of all the world, thereby publishing his opinion that there is no distinction between virtuous and disreputable women, but that all women are alike, free; and a "fallen" woman, indeed, somewhat superior to a virtuous one.
Then why -- since the choice was with himself -- should the individual, whose connexion with the fallen woman had been the most intimate and sacred of them all, come forward to vindicate his claim to an inheritance so little desirable?
He keeps hitting the fallen woman and pulling at her hair as three men try to restrain him.
The title role of the 'fallen woman' has captured the imaginations of audiences and performers alike with its inexhaustible vocal and dramatic possibilities -- and challenges.
Liverpool Philharmonic, Hope Street, Liverpool, November 9 MUSIC WNO - La Traviata Alfredo has fallen in love with the courtesan Violetta, but his father Germont disapproves of the fallen woman. It is only when Germont hears that she is on her deathbed that he realises the error of his ways and confesses all to Alfredo - but is it too late?
Released in 1974, the film carries the age-old plot of a fallen woman. The film begins with the death of a poor mother whose son is unable to provide her with the last drop of tonic which could sustain her for a few more tear-drenching scenes.
The owner of properties and the relative of the fallen woman were demanding about $ 200,000, but Lam said the two parties had come to a compromise over the amount of compensation.
In the earlier setting, one fallen woman is carted off to an insane asylum, while another retains her status by dint of being in a respectable marriage.
One narrative about the fallen woman claims that she is a harbinger of disease and degradation who threatens to weaken Britain's imperial might, while the other claims that she is a seduced and betrayed victim of hypocritical men, and she is treated unjustly by the law.
Lynda Nead (curator), The Fallen Woman, (London: The Foundling Museum 2015)
Janet Mason Ellerby's Embroidering the Scarlet A traces the narrative of the "fallen woman" across American literature from the eighteenth century to the present, including its appearance in recent mainstream movies.
I have been occupied with these issues over the last 18 months, while curating an exhibition called 'The Fallen Woman' (until 3 January 2016) at the Foundling Museum in London.
This is a sparkling study of territory which we might think is familiar--the fallen woman, the courtesan, the woman with a past--but which Sos Eltis shows us is far more interesting than the cliches of seduction we take for granted in the theatre.
Here, the narrative arc of the "fallen woman" of Hartleben's plays or the social hygiene film was disposed of.