In the Eskimoan language Yup'ik, some derivational nominalizers have evolved into inflectional mood suffixes, and in Cherokee of the Iroquoian language family, an earlier derivational instrumental suffix, whose ultimate source can be traced to a verb root meaning 'use', evolved into an inflectional infinitive marker (Mithun 2000: 252).
Thus, whereas n!ao 'house' is not number-sensitive, in combinations with -ma as its head it is--hence n!ao-ma 'small house' has an obligatory plural form n!ao-mhe, that is, whenever ma is a derivational suffix there is an obligatory number distinction.
On the grammaticalization of some processes of word formation in Africa
This is a study of Russian nominalizing evaluative suffixes, such as--an,--jash,--jon,--ul,--un,--ur,--us,--ush,--ag,--jak,--al,--jar,--akh,--il,--in,--ob,--ot,--okh,--jug,--uk, and--ukh.
syn--ul--ja son.NOM.SG son--EVAL--NOM.SG (ANIM; MASC; CLASS (ANIM; MASC; CLASS I) II) son' 'son (affect)' The data above prompt the following questions: (i) How can we account for a change in syntactic category and category features of the base (animacy, declension class and gender) when the evaluative suffixes attach?
Russian evaluative nominalizing suffixes and change in gender
(11) In the OED, -HEAD and -HOOD are listed as two different suffixes, although there seems to be some controversy because, as explained, ultimately -HEAD comes from the same Germanic base as the suffix -HOOD, although the details are not clear.
(20) The formation of martyr + the suffix -REDE(N) is not attested either in the MED or the OED, nor is it found in Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary.
It follows therefore that the second element of a verb compound in Igbo is a verb if the two features (diacritic and syntactic) mentioned in (ii) and (iii) above percolate on the second element but if not, the second element is a
suffix. In other words, if the second element of a verb compound SHARES the mentioned features in (i) and (ii) with the [V.sub.1], then it is a verb but if it does not share these features with [V.sub.1] then it is
Percolation Principle Perspective of Verb-Suffix Distinction in Igbo Verb Compounds
(1) procedure AllPairsSuffixPrefix(G) (2) for every read R in the input reads G do (3) for every candidate
suffix Su in R do (4) findAllPairs(Su, ...) (5) end for (6) end for (7) end procedure The code is simple.
Two Efficient Techniques to Find Approximate Overlaps between Sequences
The most significant observation of this research study demonstrated that
suffixes ese and ade have the least effect on participants' stress placements, because maximum of the primary stress maintained on first syllable in their
suffixed words along with their root words, but do not shift to last syllable.
Stress Placement in English Bi-Syllabic and Tri-Syllabic Suffixed Words and their Roots by Pashto Speakers in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
In the case of AP, we count the number of words sharing a derivative
suffix (which is identical to the count of FS for stems), but we count the BF as the frequency of the lemma.
The role of derivative suffix productivity in the visual word recognition of complex words/El papel de la productividad de los sufijos derivativos en el reconocimiento visual de palabras complejas
The historical development of the
suffix in Historical Grammar of Kazakh Language (Tomanov, 1981) gives the extension of meaning of -liy; -liq; -li derivational adjectives in some modern Turkic languages (in comparison with the Old Turkic language): the
suffixes determine the meaning of belonging to a nation or place.
Word formation models and semantic features of derived words in Orhon inscriptions (derivations of nouns and adjectives)
In some forms, the initial inserted vowel harmonizes with /?/ in the reduplicant
suffix (form (f) above).
Surveying Patterns of Noun Plural in Jibbali
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