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You probably didn't get into this vocation because you love to pore over reams of data or sit in your office and
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motor racing, the cotton industry, gold mining) were being used to
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Some of the essays tackle broader subjects, suggesting ways scientists can improve how they design experiments,
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Meanwhile, he continues to
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13 ( ANI ): A supercomputer named Titan has been touted to be the world's most powerful computer, over claims that it uses microchips more usually used for videogaming to
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Yvette Kantrow, who writes a closely watched column on media matters as executive editor of The Deal, points out that after the experience of Enron, "You would think that people would want the business press to be more serious, to
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No longer just gray: business journalism takes off; Technology, public appetite and far more sophistication in delivery have conspired to radically transform the face of business journalism in recent decades. That's been both good and bad, with many in the profession itself bemoaning a focus on entertainment instead of information