
Related to crusade: First Crusade, Third Crusade, Children's Crusade

crusade against (someone or something)

To strongly oppose someone or something and encourage others to do the same. Many people in our small town are crusading against that big construction project because they feel that we don't need more stores so close to our homes.
See also: crusade

crusade for (someone or something)

To strongly support someone or something and encourage others to do the same. Many people in our small town are crusading for that big construction project because the closest store right now is 10 miles away.
See also: crusade
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

crusade against someone or something

to campaign or demonstrate against someone or something. You are always crusading against one cause or another. Ed started crusading against Eric and the latter threatened suit.
See also: crusade

Crusade for someone or something

to campaign or demonstrate for someone or something. I can hardly crusade for the defeat of a friend. Ed went on a crusade for Eric, hoping to get him elected.
See also: crusade
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • crusade against
  • crusade against (someone or something)
  • Crusade for
  • crusade for (someone or something)
  • campaign
  • campaign against
  • campaign against (someone or something)
  • campaign for
  • campaign for (someone or something)
  • carry the torch
References in periodicals archive
Starting from Saladin's capture of Acre in July 1187, Hosier explains the course of events, analyses the strategies of Saladin and of the crusade leaders, and offers coherent accounts of the battles and other military engagements that took place during the siege.
Adelakun, further stated that during the crusade, prayers would be held for Nigeria as the country prepares for the 2019 general elections which are just few months away.
MB was defined as Types 2, 3, or 5 according to Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) criteria.[8] ACUITY-HORIZONS score [6] consists of seven factors, namely, age, sex, anemia, use of bivalirudin, type of ACS, serum creatinine concentration, and white blood cell count.[6] CRUSADE score [5] consists of eight factors, namely, sex, diabetes, peripheral artery disease, evidence of heart failures, hematocrit, creatinine clearance rate (Ccr), systolic blood pressure, and heart rate.[5] Ccr was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula.
Eighty years on, Dr Matt Perry, Reader in Labour History at Newcastle University and author of a biography of Ellen Wilkinson, looks back at what the Crusade means today.
"The crusade was a dignified march for work - and a protest against unemployment and poverty."
In some instances, such as the Children's Crusade, where all the documents are newly translated, two directly from manuscripts, a good balance of varied perspectives and depth is achieved.
Much has been written on the Crusades --one of the most astounding events the medieval world ever witnessed.
Dr Perry lectures at Newcastle University and is author of The Jarrow Crusade: Protest and Legend.
Madden's clear text invites readers at all levels of knowledge into this commentary on how the crusades shaped our modern world.
Malcolm Barber's new book, The Crusader States, is the most recent addition to the recent flowering in the study of the crusades, crusading, and the "crusader" states.
Trained by Aidan O'Brien, Crusade broke his duck at the second time of asking in a Curragh maiden and, after a fourth-place finish in the Somerville Tattersall Stakes, defeated Lilbourne Lad for a 25-1 victory in the Middle Park.
We need investment, planning and an Olympic-style national crusade.
That the Irish trainer has deemed Crusade worthy of taking his chance in the seven-furlong heat could therefore be a tip in itself.
"Deus lo Vult!" or "God wills it!" was the call from Pope Urban II to all Christians to crusade to free the Holy Land from the clutches of Islam.