"If any state would be willing to increase tobacco taxes to fund more government-sponsored health insurance coverage for kids, you'd think it would be the
crunchy-granola state of Oregon.
Unlike other more marginal, earnest,
crunchy-granola billeting, this was a solid, upper-middle-class suburban house in a very straight neighborhood far from the homo-heights section of town.
Desperate house wiles
For The Match, Hay worked daily for a month with four arresting performers, inventing a brilliantly eccentric dance for each: Wally Cardona's release sensibility is powered by Juilliard-trained technique; Mark Lorimer declaims like all eager poet with a mouthful of pebbles; Chrysa Parkinson twitches long, spidery limbs; and Ros Warby is a
crunchy-granola seductress.
The Deborah Hay Dance Company
They can share the
crunchy-granola meals that my husband and I eat, or choose (as they do without fail) the organic versions of standard American fare that we create, buy, or invent.
Diary of a Conscientious Eater
Louis, the TV addiction of opinionated dropout Merv (Jeremy Strong) is just one source of friction with
crunchy-granola housemate Alice (Katie Kreisler), who attempts to evict him for his unpaid back rent, household bills and refusal to pitch in with chores.
Our House
Mirroring the same unhindered boldness that illuminates this limber, perceptive production as a whole, Gunter's costumes liberally mix period and contemporary dress, nattily identifying characters with such eccentric touches as Phoebe's floral boots, Touchstone's patchwork brocade coat and busy golfing checks, Oliver's Dior-style slinky black suit, the fascistic beatnik uniforms of Duke Frederick's courtiers, the Chelsea muscle-boy look of wrestler Charles and Celia's
crunchy-granola garb as she transforms into Aliena.
As You Like It