
Related to spouting: sprouting

spout from (something)

1. Of a liquid or gas, to pour or gush out from something. Heavy rains overloaded the local sewer lines, causing sewage to spout from the building's toilets. Boiling-hot steam spouted from the fissure in the ground.
2. To expel or eject some liquid or gas from something in a stream or gush. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "spout" and "from." The pot started spouting steam from a hole in its lid as the contents inside began to boil. As the pressure increased, the dam began spouting water from a crack that appeared near the center.
3. Of words or thoughts, to issue forth from some source very quickly or voluminously. Words were spouting from his lips faster than I could even comprehend them. I usually have to sit at my desk and let my mind wander for a bit before good ideas start spouting from it.
4. To recite words or thoughts taken from some source, especially in a disingenuous, pretentious, or naïve manner. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "spout" and "from." That's the last time I date a philosophy major. She just spent every evening together spouting rubbish from whatever book she happened to be reading that day. Stop spouting the rules and regulations from the employee handbook at me, Tom. You're not my boss!
See also: spout

spout off

1. To speak (about someone or something) in a particularly boastful or arrogant manner. My date kept spouting off about how important she is in her job and how much money she makes, never even asking what I do for a living.
2. To speak for a tedious or exasperating length of time. My father in law never fails to spout off about his various journeys around the world whenever we see him. I always let my mind wander whenever Dan starts spouting off about politics like that.
3. To utter something in a brash, unwelcome, or unpleasant manner. Dan, please stop spouting off intimate details about our private life like that—we're in a public restaurant! He spouted off some very technical, longwinded answer that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
See also: off, spout

spout out

1. Of a liquid or gas, to pour or gush out (from something). Heavy rains overloaded the local sewer lines, causing sewage to spout out of all the toilets in the building. Eventually the pressure was so great that a crack appeared in the container and steam began spouting out.
2. To expel or eject some liquid or gas from something in a stream or gush. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spout" and "out." The pot started spouting out steam as the contents inside began to boil. Boiling-hot steam spouted from the fissure in the ground.
3. To utter something very quickly or abruptly, especially something that is unsolicited, inappropriate, or not meant to be shared. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "spout" and "out." My uncle when off on a tirade, spouting out the most awful invectives imaginable. Suddenly, apropos of nothing, she spouted a wedding proposal out, which took me completely by surprise. Once he gets going, Stephen will start spouting facts and figures out so fast that it will make your head spin.
See also: out, spout
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

spout off

 (about someone or something)
1. to brag or boast about someone or something. Stop spouting off about Tom. Nobody could be that good! Alice is spouting off about her new car.
2. to speak out publicly about someone or something; to reveal information publicly about someone or something. I wish you wouldn't spout off about my family affairs in public. There is no point in spouting off about this problem.
See also: off, spout

spout something out

1. Lit. to exude a liquid. The hose spouted the cooling water out all over the children. It spouted out cooling water.
2. Fig. to blurt something out; to speak out suddenly, revealing some important piece of information. She spouted the name of the secret agent out under the effects of the drug. She spouted out everything we wanted to know.
See also: out, spout
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

spout off

1. To speak continuously and tediously: I dread spending an evening with my cousins and listening to them spout off about their last vacation.
2. To utter something that is long-winded and tedious: I'd hoped for a simple answer, but the mechanic spouted off a technical explanation that confused me even more. The tour guides have to memorize the speech until they can spout it off without effort.
See also: off, spout
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • spout from
  • spout from (something)
  • spout out
  • surge
  • surge in
  • surge into (something)
  • be up the spout
  • be/go up the spout
  • spout
  • pour on
References in periodicals archive
g/cc [micro]m 1 0.88 80 2 0.88 80 3 0.88 80 4 0.88 80 5 0.88 80 6 0.88 80 7 0.88 80 8 0.88 80 9 0.88 80 10 0.88 80 11 0.64 80 12 0.72 80 13 2.4 80 14 0.88 63 15 0.88 70 16 0.88 75 TABLE 2: Scope of experiment for fine particles in spouting process.
For U> [U.sub.ms], an increase in bed height caused noticeable alterations in the spouting flow patterns, such as the initiation of a turbulent internal spout, development and rise of bubbles, slugging, and fluidization.
Initially, the spout flow pattern changed from stable spouting to a pulsatile state.
Increasing [H.sub.0] moved the system from stable spouting towards less stable flow patterns, for example, pulsatile, bubbling spouting, and turbulent spouting.
Independent of the static bed depth, the transitions among flow regimes with increasing U/[U.sub.ms] were similar until incipient spouting (U/[U.sub.ms] = 1.0) was reached.
The easiest way to detect instabilities is to compare pressure fluctuation time series for the different spouting flow regimes.
The standard deviation of the pressure fluctuation signals, [[sigma].sub.T], skewness, SK, and excess kurtosis, [K.sub.R], were determined for different spouting velocities, particle diameters and bed depths.
For the 2.4 mm particles, the system became platykurtic when it reached unstable spouting. This behaviour was more detectable at higher gas velocities, indicating broadening of the distribution about the mean.
It is seen that the skewness tended to increase when the system moved from stable to unstable spouting. However, increasing the static bed depth beyond [H.sub.max] caused a decrease in SK for U= 1.34 and 2.24 m/s.
Also, instability observed in the core zone, where the spouting swayed back and forth to the sides of the column, may have affected the PSD results.
The low-frequency Hurst exponents were estimated from Figure 14b, to investigate their relationship with the various spouting flow regimes.
The low- and high-frequency Hurst exponents can also be determined and related to the system conditions, confirming the utility of R/S analysis for characterizing the spouting flow regimes and/or for monitoring methods.