hell of a
hell of a (person or thing)
1. Quite good or impressive. That was one hell of a party you threw for Kelly. Everyone said they had such a great time. He's a hell of a ballplayer. I wouldn't be surprised if he made it to the pros someday.
2. Very difficult. I had a hell of a time trying to change the flat tire. The lug nuts didn't want to budge.
3. Bad or negative. Did she really hang up on me? That's a hell of a response to an innocent question!
See also: hell, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
a hell of a someone or something
and a helluva someone or something1. Inf. a very bad person or thing. (Use caution with hell.) That's a hell of a way to treat someone. He's a hell of a driver! Watch out! 2. Inf. a very good person or thing. (Use caution with hell.) He is one hell of a guy. We really like him. We had a helluva good time.
See also: hell, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
hell of a
Also, one hell of a
1. See devil of a.
2. This phrase is used as an intensive to emphasize certain qualities about the noun it modifies. By itself the idiom is ambiguous, for its exact meaning depends on the context. For example, He is a hell of a driver can mean either that he is very skillful or that he is a terrible driver. Similarly, We had one hell of a time can mean either that we enjoyed ourselves greatly or that we had an awful or difficult time. [Second half of 1700s]
See also: hell, of
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
a (or one) hell of a —
used to emphasize something very bad or great. informal 1990 Stephen King The Stand If someone on the committee has been leaking, we're in a hell of a jam.
See also: hell, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
a/one hell of a...
(spoken, slang) somebody/something that is very bad, good, unusual, impressive, etc: We had a hell of a good time at the night club. I had one hell of a hangover the next morning.This is sometimes written as ‘a/one helluva’.
See also: hell, of, one
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- a hell of a
- hell of a (person or thing)
- hell of a someone/something
- be hell on
- be hell on (one)
- hell and high water
- would see (someone) in hell before (one) would (do something)
- see (one) in hell before (doing something)
- be hell on wheels
- hell of a lot of (something)