
Related to sleep: sleep apnea, Sleep deprivation, dreams, Stages of Sleep
  • (I've) got to go home and get my beauty sleep
  • a sleepwalk
  • a wink of sleep
  • be able to (do something) in (one's) sleep
  • be able to do something in your sleep
  • be sleeping at the switch
  • be sleeping at the wheel
  • be sleeping on the job
  • be sleeping with the fishes
  • beauty sleep
  • big sleep
  • cosleep
  • could (do something) in (one's) sleep
  • cry (oneself) to sleep
  • cry oneself to sleep
  • deep sleep
  • Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?
  • don't sleep on (someone or something)
  • drift off to sleep
  • drink (oneself) to sleep
  • eternal sleep
  • fox's sleep
  • get (one's) beauty sleep
  • get off to sleep
  • get your beauty sleep
  • go to sleep
  • got to go home and get my beauty sleep
  • he who sleeps forgets his hunger
  • how can you sleep at night
  • in a sound sleep
  • in the altogether
  • let sleeping dogs lie
  • live/sleep rough
  • lose sleep
  • lose sleep about (someone or something)
  • lose sleep over
  • lose sleep over (someone or something)
  • lose sleep over, to
  • lull (one) to sleep
  • lull to sleep
  • not get a wink of sleep
  • not lose (any) sleep (over someone or something)
  • not lose any sleep over somebody/something
  • not lose any sleep over something
  • not sleep a wink
  • one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after
  • put (one) to sleep
  • put (something) to sleep
  • put somebody/something to sleep
  • put something to sleep
  • put to sleep
  • read (oneself) to sleep
  • read oneself to sleep
  • rock to (something)
  • sing (one) to sleep
  • sing to sleep
  • sleep a wink, not
  • sleep around
  • sleep around the clock
  • sleep away
  • sleep fest
  • sleep in
  • sleep it off
  • sleep like a
  • sleep like a baby
  • sleep like a log
  • sleep like a log/top
  • sleep like a log/top, to
  • sleep like a rock
  • sleep like a top
  • sleep off
  • sleep on
  • sleep on (someone or something)
  • sleep on (something)
  • sleep on it
  • sleep on something
  • sleep on something, to
  • sleep out
  • sleep over
  • sleep rough
  • sleep the sleep of the just
  • sleep through
  • sleep tight
  • sleep tight!
  • sleep together
  • sleep with
  • sleep with (one)
  • sleep with one eye open
  • sleep with the fishes
  • sleeping at the switch
  • sleeping giant
  • sleeping on (someone or something)
  • sleeping partner
  • sleeping policeman
  • sob (oneself) to sleep
  • sob oneself to sleep
  • someone could do something in their sleep
  • stop sleeping on (someone or something)
  • The City that Never Sleeps
  • the sleep of the just
  • twenty winks
  • wink away
References in classic literature
No small art is it to sleep: it is necessary for that purpose to keep awake all day.
Ten times must thou reconcile again with thyself; for overcoming is bitterness, and badly sleep the unreconciled.
Of course the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger were still there, but they, having also eaten some of the cakes, had gone to sleep at one side of the cave, while upon the other side stood the Sawhorse, motionless and silent, as became a mere thing of wood.
Occasionally, in this low-arched hall, a soldier would arouse and turn his body to a new posi- tion, the experience of his sleep having taught him of uneven and objectionable places upon the ground under him.
Well, well, let's lie down again and sleep out what little of the night there's left, and God will send us dawn and we shall be all right."
Impressed with the awe which the humblest sleeped usually sheds around him, the merchant trod as lightly as the gout would allow; and his spouse took good heed not to rustle her silk gown, lest David should start up all of a sudden.
Neither again did Hector let the Trojans sleep; for he too called the princes and councillors of the Trojans that he might set his counsel before them.
After a long spell she seemed sinking off to sleep, but with an effort seemed to pull herself together and shook it off.
Long before I had heard of the existence of snakes, I was tormented by them in my sleep. They lurked for me in the forest glades; leaped up, striking, under my feet; squirmed off through the dry grass or across naked patches of rock; or pursued me into the tree-tops, encircling the trunks with their great shining bodies, driving me higher and higher or farther and farther out on swaying and crackling branches, the ground a dizzy distance beneath me.
Returning from the yard, the doctor told his wife (who had ceased to smile so happily, and looked at him in alarm, awaiting her sentence) that the rain had ceased and they must go to sleep in their covered cart, or everything in it would be stolen.
Yes, I must lie still and feign sleep, with every nerve and fibre leaping within me, lest the she-devil below should suspect me of suspicions!
"And now," he concluded, "I shall lie down beneath this tree and sleep. I am very tired.
let it never Be foolishly said That my room it is gloomy And narrow my bed; For man never slept In a different bed -- And, to sleep, you must slumber In just such a bed.
Damon and the guide to sleep on, others, similar, being set up in the tent where Tom and Ned were to sleep.
She appealed to the sleeping Lumai, who awoke heavily and fatly, who muttered and mumbled easy terms of Somo dialect to the effect that it was a most decent world, that all puppy dogs and eldest-born sons were right delightful things to possess, that he had never yet starved to death, and that peace and sleep were the finest things that ever befell the lot of mortal man- -and, in token thereof, back into the peace of sleep, he snuggled his nose into the biceps of his arm for a pillow and proceeded to snore.