pouring rain

pour rain

To rain very heavily, especially for a long period of time. We were so looking forward to stretching out on the beach in the sunshine, but it poured rain the whole time we were there. It was pouring rain as we drove up to the cemetery for the funeral.
See also: pour, rain
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pouring rain

very heavy rain. The children's clothes were soaked after they played out in the pouring rain. I waited in the pouring rain for the next bus.
See also: pour, rain
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • pour rain
  • lash down on
  • lash down on (someone or something)
  • come in out of the rain
  • come on to (something)
  • risk of (some inclement weather)
  • risk of rain
  • drenched to the skin
  • make it rain
  • rain down
References in classic literature
Philip changed his chair for that in which his uncle had been sitting (it was the only comfortable one in the room), and looked out of the window at the pouring rain. Even in that sad weather there was something restful about the green fields that stretched to the horizon.
The child and her grandfather, after waiting in vain to thank them or ask them whither they should go, passed through a dirty lane into a crowded street, and stood, amid its din and tumult, and in the pouring rain, as strange, bewildered, and confused, as if they had lived a thousand years before, and were raised from the dead and placed there by a miracle.
My traveling-carriage stopped; the horses seized; I myself in a strange country at nightfall, robbed of my money and my luggage, and drenched to the skin by the pouring rain! I am indebted to you for shelter in this place--I am wearing your clothes--I should have died of the fright and the exposure but for you.
If the departure of Mademoiselle Cormon made a great noise in Alencon, it is easy to imagine the uproar caused by her sudden return on the following day, in a pouring rain which beat her face without her apparently minding it.
The town was already topsy-turvy in mind, as a consequence of the five extraordinary circumstances which accompanied Mademoiselle Cormon's return; to wit, the pouring rain; Penelope at a gallop, in a lather, and blown; the early hour; the parcels half-packed; and the singular air of the excited old maid.
At the next corner she got out, of course; and as she had no more money, she had to walk the rest of the way to the yards in the pouring rain. And so all day long she sat shivering, and came home at night with her teeth chattering and pains in her head and back.
The logical connection of the present with his immediate departure and the absolute necessity of visiting them for that purpose in pouring rain at midnight was not made clear.
And at last he flung out in his violent way, and said, with a D, 'Then do as you like.' Thank Goodness it will always be a consolation to me to know that I instantly went out in a pouring rain and bought the things."
He rubbed the frosted moisture from the inside of the window and peered out at the pouring rain, through which he could discern nothing.
"It has been pouring rain and blowing a hurricane ever since," said he.
Holding aloft placards bearing slogans such as 'BoJo Must GoGo' and 'Who Voted For You?', protesters packed out Cathedral Gardens in the pouring rain yesterday.
According to the current forecast for September 1, released by the Global Forecast System, central and western parts of Latvia will see pouring rain, with temps expected to climb to plus 25, plus 30 degrees centigrade.
TheSpice Girlsgot absolutely drenched last night as they performed in the pouring rain at a gig in Bristol.
Docker's Lament TIME to be up and off again Into the wind and the pouring rain Walk down to the dock, stand back to the wall Sheltering from the stormy squall, "You and You" a voice booms out!
Speech next day at American Cemetary in pouring rain! Little reported-Fake News!" Trump tweeted Tuesday.