pour off

pour off

To remove the top portion of some liquid by pouring. A noun or pronoun can be used between "pour" and "off." Once the mixture separates, you can pour off the oil that settles at the top. I don't care for so much head on my beer—would you mind pouring a bit off for me?
See also: off, pour
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pour something off (of) something

 and pour something off
to drain liquid off the top of something. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) Valerie poured the cream off the milk. Valerie poured off the cream.
See also: off, pour
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • base off (of) (something else)
  • check off
  • bite off
  • blow off the map
  • blow someone/something off
  • blow off
  • brass off
  • brass someone off
  • brassed off
  • call off
References in classic literature
'It ought to be thick and nice like mamma's.' "'I 'll pour off some of the juice, and we can drink it,' said I, feeling that I 'd made a mistake in my cooking.
(If the thighs will be crowded, do them in two batches.) Pour off and discard the oil.
3 Pour off any excess stock, leaving just enough in the pan to keep the quinoa moist.
5 Pour off any cooking juices and add them to the pan with the chopped courgette.
7 Pour off any cooking juices and put them in the saucepan with the chopped courgette.
Pour off any excess fat from the beef roasting tin, put on a medium heat on top of the stove.
But that's what they're bravely doing, with three prototypes designed and built at MG's site in Longbridge, Birmingham, where Rovers and Minis used to pour off the production lines.
Do not pour off the fat; the liquid fat in the pan helps to render out the fat in the skin.
(4) POUR off the excess oil, then add the spice mix and stir-fry for 30 seconds.
In the bicentenary year of Darwin's birth and 150 years since the publication of The Origin of Species, books about the one British scientist almost everyone must be very familiar with by now, pour off the presses.
For the next job, just pour off the water, mix the compound and get taping.
Let stand for three months, then pour off the alcohol and strain the weeds through muslin cloth to get all the liquid they may retain.
Pour off the residual fat and, if you want, pour in some wine to deglaze the tray along with some chopped vegetables, and let it all cook down.
"Due to the size and geometry of the sand cores and mold, we performed the core make, core assembly, pour off and sand removal all in the same spot," said John Manning, coreroom manager