self-preservation is the name of the game

self-preservation is the name of the game

People are all naturally inclined to think selfishly of their own wellbeing first and foremost, even if it is to the detriment of those around them. A: "I can't believe he would throw me under the bus like that just to save his own career!" B: "Self-preservation is the name of the game." I felt bad about walking away from the company like that when it was bleeding money, but self-preservation is the name of the game.
See also: game, name, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • OK
  • rate above
  • rate above (someone or something)
  • rating
  • been keeping myself busy
  • (I've been) keeping out of trouble
  • been okay
  • crawl (all) over each other
  • like rats leaving a sinking ship
  • rats deserting a sinking ship
References in periodicals archive
Self-preservation is the name of the game. If I can't defend my life and my rights against those who would do me and my family harm, then all of these hundreds of years of fighting for rights and freedom since the Constitution was written is all for naught.