

n. an ugly and repellent male. That zarf is Martin, and he makes all As, and he helps me with my homework, so just shut up!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • fettie
  • gug
  • bluh
  • bousta
  • Hey!
  • lucci
  • horseradish
  • base
  • stir
  • brutal
References in periodicals archive
Objects inscribed with verses were a medium that suited zarf culture perfectly--a sophisticated medium of expression that provided a subtle display of wit, using refined language and displaying a mastery of Arabic literature, poetry in particular.
They culminate in the ritual Ijra, during which Shejh Adrihusein Shehu pushes long spike-like needles called zarfs through the cheeks of his followers, and devotees chant the Zikr.
Bunun nedeni kullanilan EMG tekniklerinin standardize edilememesi (tum kaslara igne elektrod veya yuzeyel elektrod kullanmak, calisilan kas sayisi, kas aktivitesinin yogunluguna ve zarf amplitudune interferans paterni uzerinden karar vermek, EMG cihazinin teknik ozellikleri, vs) olabilir.
Buna ornek belgelerden birinde, (16) Istar-basti zarf uzerine muhrunu bastigi bir mektubunda, "Assur-reum ve Amur-ili'ye diyor ki, 1 top agir kumasi tadmiqtum olarak size verdim, eger beyimseniz onun bedelini Amur-ili'ye verin.
Hastalar kapali zarf yontemiyle randomize edilerek dusuk akim sevofluran ve dusuk akim desfluran anestezisi olmak uzere esit iki gruba ayrildi.
Veri toplama araci ve anket formu, arastirmanin yapilacagi hastanede calisan hemsirelere zarf icinde hemsirelere arastirmacilar tarafindan kliniklere gidilerek dagitilip, uc gun sonra zarf icinde geri alinmistir.
Test sonuclari ve yorumlari calisma sonucunda her cocuk icin ayri olarak, onerilerimizle birlikte ailelerine kapali zarf icinde bildirildi.
The author reads the romance The Kite (as in the bird) in chapter four in light of the medieval Christian-Muslim trade in luxury goods, and compares it with a related episode from Qamar al-Zaman, and in chapter five, she reads The Kite against the background of the medieval Arabic literary portrayal of elegance (zarf), especially as concerns slave girls and singing slave girls.
They are actually the upper lip Zarf Cardboard holder around a takeaway coffee cup Glassine The paper that lines boxes of chocolate and hold single chocolates or truffles.
Verilerin toplanmasi ve degerlendirilmesi: Veriler, arastirmacilar tarafindan ulasilabilen kurumlarda elden dagitilip toplanmis, farkli sehirlerdeki kurumlarda ise posta yontemi kullanilarak kapali zarf sistemiyle toplanmistir.
Respiratuar sinsisyal virusunun zarf yuzeyindeki iki onemli antijeni olan fuzyon (F) ve baglanma (attachment;G) glikoproteinleri immunojen ozellik tasir.
Katilimcilara pulu yapistirilmis, postaya verilmek uzere hazirlanmis zarf vermek, dogumdan sonra geri donusleri artirmak icin akilci bir cozumdur.
1- Zarf proteinleri: Bunlar matriks (M), fuzyon (F) ve hemaglutinin (H) proteinleridir.
Anketler calisan kisi sayisina gore kapali zarf usulu ve kurumsal kurye hizmetleri araciligi ile birimlere gonderildi.