Niere said Gianan initially
solicited a minimum investment of $5,000.
Complaint filed vs Professional Diligence for illegal solicitation
"As far as our office is concerned, we have not sanctioned or endorsed any indigenous community or individual to
solicit funds or donations," said Torrefiel.
Cebuanos warned vs. fraudulent indigenous groups
However, when a judicial campaign committee member
solicits a donation from anyone, lay person or lawyer, there is small possibility of de facto intimidation because the judicial candidate is one step removed and would only know the names of donors and the amounts donated.
The organization
solicited in front of Massachusetts businesses in communities including Shrewsbury, Uxbridge, Hyde Park and Plainville.
Boston judge bars Conn. charity from soliciting in Mass. communities
The trip is the initial phase of Kim's "listening tour," as he begins to
solicit ideas and views from around the world about the future of the institution.
Last week Labour leader Pat Rabbitte revealed how a law which makes it an offence to
solicit a child for sex had accidentally been deleted from the Constitution last year.
Loophole in child sex law closed
The Center for Public Interest Law is opposing the provision that would allow out-of-state CPAs to provide tax services without registering with the CBA (even though the out-of-state CPA may not physically enter California or
solicit California clients).
New faces on CBA: Petersen, Chi appointed to CBA; practice privilege modifications
The first is that talented people have to waste their time preparing reports, making presentations and so forth just for the purpose of receiving funding (and this burden appears to be much higher than it would to successfully
solicit private funding).
Give it up!
In December 2004 the Board published an initial ANPR to commence a comprehensive review of the open-end credit rules and to
solicit comment on a variety of issues relating to the format of open-end credit disclosures, the content of disclosures, and the substantive protections provided under the regulation.
Request for comment on Regulation Z
The PHI Portal offers multiple feedback options, including an online user survey, to
solicit comments from users.
Philly health info: the college of physicians of Philadelphia's regional community health information project
The most common practice has been to
solicit volunteer reviewers from "peers" in the scientific community and then hold the evaluator names anonymous to avoid undue pressure during and after the review.
The dancer and the piper: resolving problems with government research contracting
* IN THEIR SEARCH FOR NEW CLIENTS, CPAs with wealth management practices may wish to pay outside marketers to
solicit business on their behalf.
Working with a solicitor to get new business: how to use external marketers to expand your practice
REPUBLICAN STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL in at least six states telephoned corporations or trade groups subject to lawsuits or regulations by their state governments to
solicit hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions, according to internal fundraising documents obtained by the Washington Post.
Republican shakedown
However, for clean recyclables, individual, independent recycling companies may
solicit business from various businesses.
Seeking control: franchise rights to control generated material are shaping up as a recycling battleground. (Solid Waste Update)