They express reversion during development from the recessive white flower condition to the dominant
purple state. This reversion produces streaks and sectors of purple anthocyanin pigment in flower petals and seeds that are otherwise white.
Registration of alfalfa genetic stocks segregating for mutable alleles of the anthocyanin locus C2. (Registrations Of Genetic Stocks)
But his drawing has progressively become more concerned with formal issues, particularly color relationships: smooth patches of gray, blue, and green ink, orange highways cutting across
purple state lines.
"We're a
purple state that got universal background checks passed," he told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Monday, stressing how he can "bring people together on the other side and actually get stuff done."
Ex-Colorado governor enters 2020 melee
If California becomes a
purple state, and Democrats can no longer assume its 20 percent of 270 electoral votes, Republicans nationwide will be indebted to the immigrants' son who plucked up Goldwater's banner of conservatism with a Western libertarian flavor.
Goldwater redux
- 'Competition is good, but the idea that Texas is going to become a
purple state, or even a blue state is out of the realm of - give me a time frame - are we talking 50 years?' said Perry."
The Evening Brief: Feb. 26, 2013
There was in particular a quote that said "the mediator between brain and muscle must be the heart," and I said, "That's me!" I want to create a
purple state, not cater to just a red one or a blue one.
Going Androidgenous: talking with cyberfunkstress Janelle Monae
Colorado: Another Republican retirement in a
purple state has created a strong Democratic pickup opportunity.
Turning blue: can Democrats make the senate filibuster proof?
In her election last year in an increasingly
purple state, Klobuchar drew support from voters in urban, suburban and rural areas -- including in dozens of counties Trump won in 2016.
Sen. Klobuchar enters 2020 presidential race
"And within the next six to eight years, I believe that Texas will at least be a
purple state, if not a blue state."
The Brief: Nov. 9, 2012
Presidentially, Nevada is a truly
purple state, trending blue perhaps because of changing demographics.
Plenty of drama in Senate races
'I think when you have that ground work and when you have the right candidates to excite folks, then you're going to start to see progress and within the next six to eight years, I believe that Texas will at least be a
purple state, if not a blue state,' Castro said on CNN."
The Evening Brief: Nov. 8, 2012
Graham, who was considered a centrist, was viewed as a more attractive general election candidate in the
purple state. Gillum is more liberal, having earned the backing of Vermont Sen.
Primary takeaways: Establishment loses, diversity grows
"Before that, California was very much a
purple state, and it was solidly more on the red side than it was on the blue side," Kumar said.
Will "Sanctuary Cities" Debate Galvanize Latino Voters?
But a retraction would also pose a major political threat to Trump, who is depending on a strong economy to woo swing voters in crucial
purple states as he seeks reelection.
Trump: I'm 'Chosen One' to Lead Trade War Against China
"Trump creates a rock-and-a-hard-place scenario for Republicans running in blue-leaning and
purple states," said Democratic pollster Geoff Garin.
Democrats say GOP vulnerable in 2020 Senate races