or other

or other

Or another possible alternative. Used after words or phrases beginning with "some." Eh, don't worry about it. Some person or other will come around and clean it up later. Oh, they were talking about something or other—I couldn't quite hear them. A: "Where are my keys?" B: "There here somewhere or other—you had them coming in last night."
See also: other

something or other

An indeterminate thing; something. Oh, they were talking about something or other, I couldn't quite hear them.
See also: other, something
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

something or other

something unspecified; one thing or another. I can't remember what Ann saidsomething or other. A messenger came by and dropped off something or other at the front desk.
See also: other
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

or other

One besides the one mentioned. This phrase is used to emphasize indefinite words beginning with some, such as someone, somehow, sometime, somewhere. For example, Someone or other will be taking tickets at the door, or I can't remember where I put the lawn rake, but it's somewhere or other in the garage, or Somehow or other be found one that matched. [c. 1600]
See also: other
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • something or other
  • bother (one's) (pretty little) head about (something)
  • bother head about
  • she'll be apples
  • don't give (something) another thought
  • not give (something) another thought
  • not give it another thought
  • start from where you are
  • slight
  • in the least
References in classic literature
For of other affections, there is occasion given, but now and then; and therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other. And it is also noted, that love and envy do make a man pine, which other affections do not, because they are not so continual.
One answer is that undo student silence typically indicates any of the following symptoms: (1) apathy toward the topic at hand or to the learning process itself; (2) a student who is not comprehending, is overwhelmed, or is bored; (3) a student who is self- or other isolated from the learning community; and/ or (4) a student who has not learned the value of or strategies of engagement or who does not appreciate or believe in that value.
Almost daily he would pray with others and send notes of encouragement, flowers, or other gifts, including signed books, to people throughout the world.
Abuse of drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, LSD, or other stimulants or"psychedelic" compounds may lead to symptoms of paranoid thinking or behavior.
They may try to avoid hospitalization and drugs, fearing a loss of control or other real or imagined dangers.
* Reinforcement of the process through financial or other incentives.
The validity and reliability of the RMS were assessed on 125 individuals without CMP, polio or other disabilities.
Abuse of drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, LSD, or other stimulants or "psychedelic" compounds may lead to symptoms of paranoid thinking or behavior.
In his books, the perceptive psychiatrist and writer, Robert Coles, tells illustrative stories of how children pick up their values, good and sometimes bad, from their parents or other relatives.
The same brain mechanism allows 3-to 4-year-olds to understand that a person behaves according to potentially misleading beliefs, hopes, or other attitudes held about people and objects, Leslie asserts.
Autistic children cannot conceive that they or others hold false beliefs, and they find it difficult to understand deception, according to the British investigators.
"The human mind/brain evolved for being social and for learning what that means in our cultures, and not for doing science, philosophy or other sorts of critical reasoning and discourse," Caporael suggests.
Many older persons residing in nursing homes believe that their lives are over and that they have nothing to offer to themselves or others. Since self-concept is reinforced through relationships with others, it is important that health professionals reinforce a positive self-concept through all interactions.
See how many of these you commonly exhibit and try to attach these traits to clear examples of your own or others' behavior to be used when called on as a position applicant or as a reference for others.
It is inappropriate to deliberately choose to inflict suffering on ourselves or others and justify it as good moral discipline.