However, when a bridge starts to oscillate, those stays begin alternately loosening and tightening.
Such a bridge would be less likely to oscillate wildly.
At that point, its behavior becomes nonlinear, and subsequent wave action can cause the entire ship to oscillate.
Rock and roll bridge: a new analysis challenges the common explanation for a famous collapse
During the operation, the tool rotates at approximately 600 sfpm and
oscillates axially, dependant on the thread parameters and tooling circle data (for example, higher lead threads require large amounts of oscillation).
Whirling threads
The MDR does not ustatic a rotor, but oscillates the lower biconical die through a small predetermined arc of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 degrees.
The lower die oscillates and applies the shear strain to the specimultiple.
Optimal measurement, use of dynamic properties from the MDR for compound analysis
They measured the polarization, the direction in which the electric field of the radio waves oscillates.
1 Nature, Wardle's team reports finding circularly polarized radiation from the jets, meaning that the angle at which the electric field oscillates is not fixed but rotates around the wave's direction of travel.
Probing the heart of extragalactic jets
One potential source of gauge distortions is the collapsing frame, says Knittel, adding that because the collapser oscillates with the film in an oscillating hauloff, those imperfections are not distributed by such a system.
W&H recently developed a hauloff that uses one turning bar that oscillates only 180 [degrees].
The platform oscillates through 360 [degrees] powered by a variable-speed d-c drive.
Buyer's guided to oscillating film hauloffs
Known as sonoluminescence, this conversion of sound into light occurs during the rapid, violent contraction of a bubble as it
oscillates in step with the sound wave (SN: 10/5/96, p.
Plasma sparks from a hot gas bubble
Known as sonoluminescence, this conversion of sound into light occurs during the rapid and violent contraction of the bubble as it
oscillates in step with the sound wave (SN: 4/29/95, p.
Glimpses inside a tiny, flashing bubble
But some chemical systems such as the Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) reaction, which slowly oscillates between blue and orange states, work on every point at once.
The system oscillates between the two sets of reactions because the first reaction set paves the way for the second by consuming bromide ions.
Oscillating chemical waves process images