The use of one or two lines of dry chronicle as a
jumping-off place for a multipage commentary of lively narrative strikes an original note on the contemporary literary scene, yet is reminiscent of the engaging dramatized commentaries on the insipid Confucian classic The Spring and Autumn Chronicle, such as The Zuo Commentary.
Grass Soup
I started more and more using book reviews -as a kind of
jumping-off place for my own reflections.
Katha Pollitt
In 1970, Don and I camped in the desert in Baja California near the ruin of San Juan de Dios de las Yagas, which had been the
jumping-off place for Father Junipero Serra before he founded all those missions in California.
Some aspects of color in general and red and black in particular
For those who can stay awhile (and why hurry to leave?) Portland is a fine
jumping-off place for a longer vacation.
Relevant and readily accessible
Acting Gay offers a witty and observant commentary on how homosexuality operates within the theatrical scene and will provide a useful
jumping-off place for critics of a more systematic bent.
Not in Front of the Audience: Homosexuality on Stage
When, in 1896, gold was found in the Yukon to the north, Skagway's natural harbor made it a
jumping-off place for gold seekers, gold diggers, saloonkeepers, and bunco artists.
Rowdy Skagway, sedate Haines; they're history-rich Alaska neighbors, 13 miles apart by ferry or plane, 360 spectacular miles by car
11, 2001, and he is stationed at Fort Bragg, which I think everyone knows is a
jumping-off place for Afghanistan.
Letters in the Editor's Mailbag
Eight chapters are: the early Black presence in the West; on the eve of overland migration: antebellum slavery and freedom; the
jumping-off places; the providential corridor; community and work on the trails;/ life, death, and acts of kindness; sweet freedomAEs plains; place of promise; epilogue.
Sweet Freedom's Plains: African Americans on the Overland Trails, 1841-1869
Rather than using great literature as
jumping-off places for students to gain confidence and engagement as readers, the literacy programs use short texts, each about 10 to 15 pages long, accompanied by leveled readers.
Literacy curriculum is flat, reduces teachers' role
We are not told that eight pounds of meat per man per day was the staple ration for voyageurs who provided the muscle power to
jumping-off places for northern exploration, nor that Franklin because famous as "the man who ate his shoes" (moccasins had some nutritious value because proteins had not been denatured by tanning).
Polar journeys: the role of food and nutrition in early exploration
I have seen them come to the "
jumping-off places" of the North, these men whereof I speak.
Why wilderness?