red cent

Related to red cent: seeing red

red cent

The smallest possible amount of money. Primarily heard in US. I worked all of that overtime and never received a red cent for my efforts.
See also: cent, red
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

red cent

see under not worth a dime.
See also: cent, red
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • not a red cent
  • not one red cent
  • cent
  • not worth a red cent
  • red cent, not worth/don't have a
  • Two Bob
  • not worth a dime
  • not have a red cent
  • not a jot
  • not one/a jot
References in periodicals archive
By January 2007, 23 of 41 who were in the deferral program had paid off their moorage fees in full, three were making payments and 15 hadn't coughed up a red cent, Callery said.
The 2005 "Every Red Cent" Campaign raised $45,000 in two months.
She actually became so involved in the church that she ended up teaching Sunday School to both men and women, leading retreats and even prayer meetings, and essentially fulfilling the role of a minister, although, to her credit, she never got a red cent for doing so.
Can any American worthy of the name suggest that public-works boondoggles in a foreign country are worth a red cent or a drop of American blood?
Thompson said people can donate to the Red Cross' fundraising campaign, Every Red Cent Counts, at Arvest and Twin City Bank locations, by calling (800) HELP-NOW or (501) 748-1004 or mailing contributions to American Red Cross of Greater Arkansas, Box 191051, Little Rock, AR 72219.
SpaceShipOne and the flight of June 21 are remarkable because there wasn't one red cent of government money spent on the project.
I'll bet every last red cent I have that this case wouldn't even have gone to court.
And oh how the guys and gals who had stuck by him begrudged every red cent that didn't come their way.
It's our "performance-based" promise to you: If we can't help you manage your business better, then you don't have to pay one red cent. As an added "double risk-free" guarantee, we pledge to send your money back within ten days if you request a refund.
"Dead as a doornail," "not one red cent," "the cat is out of the bag." We use colorful expressions like these every day; but where do they actually come from?
The President has pledged that the people of Serbia would not receive "one red cent" in reconstruction aid unless they turned against Slobodan Milosevic.
Maybe that's why there was not one red cent in Paul Martin's budget to relieve the misery of the poorest of the poor.
This archaic, 125-year-old law permits mining companies to gouge billions of dollars' worth of gold, silver, platinum, palladium and other hardrock minerals from public lands, without paying one red cent to the real owners, the American people.
"But the sad thing is, bail and bounty hunting are the only parts of the criminal-justice system that are self-financing--they don't cost the taxpayers a red cent. And nowadays that's pretty damn attractive to most politicians."
"Our proposal required not one red cent of new HUD funds.