One of the earliest uses of the term "
nanny state" was in 1980 when the Conservative peer Lord Balfour argued against compulsory use of car seatbelts, as this was "yet another state narrowing of individual freedom and individual responsibility".
Is the so-called 'nanny state' the next target?
So-called sin taxes combined with regulation mean the country comes behind only Finland and Sweden for intervening in lifestyle freedoms in the 2016
Nanny State Index.
UK 'third worst for nany state sin taxes'
David Cameron has insisted free parenting classes are not a "
nanny state" policy, as he unveiled a raft of initiatives aimed at helping families.
Cameron defends free parenting classes
Those who would argue for state level government intervention, eg regulation to ban alcohol advertising at subway and streetcar stations, might be criticised as advocates of the "
nanny state" approach.
Voting is not enough
You wanna talk about the
nanny state, I think you just got a new definition." (ANI)
Sarah Palin mocks Michelle Obama's breastfeeding initiative
And I find that the sort of person who hates the
nanny state is usually the sort of person who actually had a nanny, the sort of person who preaches self-reliance while sitting on a massive pile of inherited money.
Gary Bainbridge
Why should we treat our children's health as a lower priority than our employees?" Prof Stephenson, writing for the BBC website's Scrubbing Up column, said: "If you act to make people safer, you get accused of introducing the
nanny state. If you let people make their own decisions, you get accused of neglect.
'Outlaw' smoking in cars with kids
If a
nanny state can tell you what to eat or how to cook--for your own good, mind you--isn't mandatory physical exercising a logical next step?
Deep-fried do-goodism
In "The Conservative
Nanny State: How The Wealthy Use The Government To Stay Rich And Get Richer", Dan Baker (a macroeconomist and Co-Director for Economic and Policy Research in Washington D.C.) has written a revealing expose on how conservatives favor government intervention to regulate the market to their own advantage.
The Conservative Nanny State
Well it would be a sad day if the
nanny state got hold of this tradition.
Keep the home fires burning
What's expanded, of course, is not the "
nanny state" that Gingrich once mocked.
Bush's bloat
That classic "
nanny state" impulse collides, however, with ingrained cafeteria practices, powerful agribusiness interests, and, perhaps especially, children's tastes.
Tread on me--but lightly: the era of big government is complicated
TIME WAS, A self-respecting augur or necromancer could ply her trade in San Francisco without the long arm of the
nanny state reaching into her pocket for money and the right paperwork.
Keeping psychics honest: only in San Fran, part XXIX
THERE'S nothing wrong with sensible travel advice but this does sound a bit like
nanny state scaremongering to me.
Use head to avoid any trouble
SOME people think that the Government advising people what to eat in their own homes and how to eat it is more unwelcome evidence of the
nanny state.
Nanny, we need you now