Undeniably, there has been a growing gap and a deepening alienation between traditional conservatives and those Ralph calls the "corporate conservatives." And it is not only inside the conservative movement and the GOP that the rift is growing, but also
Middle America.
The peace coalition
* Graphics of obesity rates and projection in next 10 years for
Middle America (CDC and other sources)
Out with french fries and in with smoothie bars
I am happy for Editor Roy Huntington and wish him nothing but the best in his new home in rural
middle America. I also appreciate the follow up comments that came from Real America and our "heartland," but perhaps you have been too quick to dismiss all of us out here on the far west coast as the Republic of California.
Don't dismiss
Gifford, 56, is of the opinion that Obama, 48, should listen more to
middle America, and not ignore their voices.
Kathy Lee Gifford says Obama should listen more to Middle America
for jimbo sitting here with you watching
middle america gnaw on itself our burritos spiritless our eyes distant wandering newlyweds roll their newborn past a silver speedboat admiring its sleek design and promise of adventure eighteen wheelers lull us into post-dinner rigor mortis junction 83 has a way of marking time a cadence that sways the listless pines
Playing Hooky
DeKalb is quintessential
Middle America, the part of America made up of small family towns, family farms and family things.
Letter: Uni shootings shock
Nationally, Byrne believes LGBT activists need to move away from a combative message toward
Middle America if they hope to achieve hill marriage rights.
Proudly political
Borat falls in love with Pamela Anderson and sets off across the country in an ice-cream van to find her, stopping along the way to chat with
Middle America.
cinema: Borat's failed to take America by storm; BORAT (15) ***
They successfully suppressed their most vocally militant elements, recognizing full well that the openly radical face that had appeared during many of the national marches this past spring had been counterproductive, sending an alarm through
Middle America and causing skittish politicians in both parties to run for cover.
"The Race" to win America: La Raza ("The Race") presented a moderate image at their recent Los Angeles conference, but the group's ultimate goal is a radical reconquest of the southwestern U.S. for Mexico
Simpson and Monica Lewinsky,
Middle America began to sense that things had gone too far.
Help yourself: how "life coaches" and celebrity shrinks pick the public's pocket
Plans are to have five All Star Sports Arenas located throughout
middle America in five years, Scott Harris said.
Harris family plans Memphis sports arena
The two camps are converging spiritually as we speak and the rainbow connecting them will help guide the disaffected "now generation" in
middle America to the coasts.
Brendan Fowler
From the gyms of
middle America to the Paralympic arena in Athens, Greece, Murderball tells the story of a group of world-class athletes who smash each other in custom-made gladiator-like wheelchairs.
Now available: Murderball DVD
Chen & Dancers, tours the U.S., he finds it's hard for
middle America to accept his brand of fusion.
Between two worlds: Asian American dancers and choreographers find themselves straddling two cultures--neither of them home
And I think it's essentially true that we are out of sync with
Middle America's values and mores...."
Losing Middle America