
Related to spread: Spread option
  • all over
  • beach spreading
  • cast (one's) net wide
  • cast/spread your net wide
  • lay it on thick
  • middle-aged spread
  • spark spread
  • spread (one's) net wide
  • spread (one's) wings
  • spread (oneself) thin
  • spread (something or oneself) too thin
  • spread (something) under (someone or something)
  • spread (something) with (something)
  • spread across (something or some place)
  • spread all over
  • spread all over (something or some place)
  • spread around
  • spread far and wide
  • spread it on thick
  • spread like wildfire
  • spread like wildfire, to
  • spread on
  • spread on thick
  • spread oneself too thin
  • spread onto
  • spread onto (something or some place)
  • spread out
  • spread over
  • spread over (someone or something)
  • spread the word
  • spread thin
  • spread to
  • spread to (someone, something, or some place)
  • spread too thin
  • spread under
  • spread with
  • spread your wings
  • spread yourself too thin
References in classic literature
He spread them out in heaps and bathed his hands in them; then he counted them and set them up in regular piles, and felt their rounded outline between his thumb and fingers, and thought fondly of the guineas that were only half-earned by the work in his loom, as if they had been unborn children--thought of the guineas that were coming slowly through the coming years, through all his life, which spread far away before him, the end quite hidden by countless days of weaving.
In a quarter of an hour the news that a gentleman who was a temporary visitor to the town had been stabbed in his bed, spread through every street and villa of the popular watering-place.
As for mercenary forces (which is the help in this case), all examples show, that whatsoever estate or prince doth rest upon them, he may spread his feathers for a time, but he will mew them soon after.
The Spartans were a nice people in point of naturalization; whereby, while they kept their compass, they stood firm; but when they did spread, and their boughs were becomen too great for their stem, they became a windfall, upon the sudden.
One other consideration is worth notice: with animals and plants that can propagate rapidly and are not highly locomotive, there is reason to suspect, as we have formerly seen, that their varieties are generally at first local; and that such local varieties do not spread widely and supplant their parent-forms until they have been modified and perfected in some considerable degree.
Very many of the marine inhabitants of the archipelago now range thousands of miles beyond its confines; and analogy leads me to believe that it would be chiefly these far-ranging species which would oftenest produce new varieties; and the varieties would at first generally be local or confined to one place, but if possessed of any decided advantage, or when further modified and improved, they would slowly spread and supplant their parent-forms.
I may here recall a remark formerly made, namely that it might require a long succession of ages to adapt an organism to some new and peculiar line of life, for instance to fly through the air; but that when this had been effected, and a few species had thus acquired a great advantage over other organisms, a comparatively short time would be necessary to produce many divergent forms, which would be able to spread rapidly and widely throughout the world.
Some few families of fish now have a confined range; the teleostean fish might formerly have had a similarly confined range, and after having been largely developed in some one sea, might have spread widely.
At a period immeasurably antecedent to the silurian epoch, continents may have existed where oceans are now spread out; and clear and open oceans may have existed where our continents now stand.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 5, 2019-: Fruits Spreads Market 2019: Global Key Players, Trends, Share, Industry Size, Segmentation, Opportunities, Forecast To 2025
Moiz finished day-two in the seventh position with 11.5 wins and a spread of 174.
The weighted average spread (WAS) reported by Fitch-rated European CLOs has fallen by about 1pp to 3.8% from 4.8% over the past 18 months.
("Zayo") (NYSE: ZAYO) has announced that it has completed the acquisition of Spread Networks, a privately held fiber network company that operates the most direct, lowest latency fiber route between Chicago and New York, the company said.
The report said the worst offenders were two Tesco own-label products - their Original Chocolate Spread and Duo Chocolate Spread, which each contained 11.8g of sugar for every 20g serving.