spout off
spout off
1. To speak (about someone or something) in a particularly boastful or arrogant manner. My date kept spouting off about how important she is in her job and how much money she makes, never even asking what I do for a living.
2. To speak for a tedious or exasperating length of time. My father in law never fails to spout off about his various journeys around the world whenever we see him. I always let my mind wander whenever Dan starts spouting off about politics like that.
3. To utter something in a brash, unwelcome, or unpleasant manner. Dan, please stop spouting off intimate details about our private life like that—we're in a public restaurant! He spouted off some very technical, longwinded answer that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
See also: off, spout
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
spout off
(about someone or something)1. to brag or boast about someone or something. Stop spouting off about Tom. Nobody could be that good! Alice is spouting off about her new car.
2. to speak out publicly about someone or something; to reveal information publicly about someone or something. I wish you wouldn't spout off about my family affairs in public. There is no point in spouting off about this problem.
See also: off, spout
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
spout off
1. To speak continuously and tediously: I dread spending an evening with my cousins and listening to them spout off about their last vacation.
2. To utter something that is long-winded and tedious: I'd hoped for a simple answer, but the mechanic spouted off a technical explanation that confused me even more. The tour guides have to memorize the speech until they can spout it off without effort.
See also: off, spout
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- a change of heart
- be badly off
- appear to
- a shoulder to cry on
- badly off
- a mystery to (one)
- a turn of phrase
- able to do
- able to do it
- a piece/slice of the action