Clem Chambers from the website says: "Considering the saying comes from the age of top hats, traders on the stock exchange floor and orders by telegraph, it seems peculiar that it can still
hold true.
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That may
hold true especially for the play's stars.
"If you build it, they will come" doesn't
hold true for this vast new medium.
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This description does not
hold true for the first and last essays in the volume, however.
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual
However, this does not necessarily
hold true when tax-exempt partners enter the picture.
"Year-end" tax planning for partnerships with tax-exempt partners
"If current indicators
hold true, we anticipate overall construction spending levels to be twice that of just ten years ago."
City construction set for record levels, says NYBC
And if the predictions of two astronomers continue to
hold true, Earth will be in for a really big show in 2001 and another in 2002.
The best Leonid show is yet to come?
He had no plans and made no special preparations to enter this burgeoning field, which is something that seems to
hold true for many of the top black executives in the industry.
In order for this to
hold true though, a not-for-profit cannot usually pay a large premium for the property it is purchasing.
Buy or lease is big question
Does the same
hold true for the offspring of celebrated barnyard animals?
My mother, the clone?
A similar trend may appear in the commercial property market, if Taylor's predictions
hold true. According to his projections, many of the larger companies on the market, such as Mack-Cali Realty and Reckson Associates, will take advantage of the opportunities presented by the RMA, encouraging smaller companies to join, and eventually taking them over.
The dawn of a new century for real estate investment trusts
However, this assumption does not always
hold true. A distant galaxy's total velocity has two parts-a large component caused by cosmological expansion and a smaller "peculiar velocity" generated, for example, by the tug of neighboring galaxies.
Great wall not so great?
Our business is to establish why certain assumptions should and do
hold true."
Court rejects unique 'dual status' claim in recent rent control case
"We have discoveries here that I know will
hold true and change the way that people think," says Jonathan S.
Hemoglobin molecule's secret revealed