

slang Great or excellent. Please try not to worry—everything here is hotsy-totsy, I swear.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. fine; great. I don’t feel so hotsy-totsy.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • pillow-biter
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • (something) blows
  • a lulu
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
References in periodicals archive
He winked at Simon, then said, "Hey, Shmuel, you're still such a hoo-ha hotsy-totsy Roosevelt man?"
Briskman, as a hotsy-totsy pick-pocket, uses perfect timing and her remarkable vocal range to focus every scene she's in.
"We need Grandpa Terranova, if we could pry him away from the hotsy-totsy girls at Coney Island."
Hotsy-Totsy Boys to the Bee Gees to Hanson is to under stand that
It's not hotsy-totsy. The inventory, however, we've sold.
(Likewise, a nice companion volume to Holmes is Paul Rahe's massive Republics Ancient and Modem, which, while situating America as a liberal republican regime midway between ancient and modern, makes the case that the ancient "communities" that some antiliberals pine for weren't so hotsy-totsy after all.)
Now, having talked with the real mother, who has been telling Binx for years that he should marry Kate (155), this hotsy-totsy realizes that she had better be getting out to "meet someone" of her own.
"It was billed as this hotsy-totsy, exclusive type of thing.
Elisofon has an exuberant, gregarious manner and is prone to certain go-to phrases, like hotsy-totsy and easy-peasy, which becomes the basis of a playful argument between David and Sarah in the movie.
They like hotsy-totsy girls, grinnin' and shakin' and singin' all at the same damn time.
Because the answer is," he says, "not so hotsy-totsy, for your information.