In his key-note address, eminent pharmacist and recipient of Abdul Latif Sheikh said as many as half a million people are annually being killed at healthcare facilities in Pakistan due to medication errors including 'misspelled prescriptions',
look alike medicines and drugs with similar names but lives of these people can be saved by adopting modern clinical pharmacy practices.
Medication errors kill 0.5m people each year in Pakistan
However, some people may
look alike because they have the same spirit, way of laughing, facial expressions or body language.
'Replace My Face' blends Western beauty with Eastern charm
If you think knits for kids tend to all
look alike, you may be right: fix the problem with Yummy Yarns Knits For Kids: 20 Easy-To-Knit Designs For Ages 2 To 8 Featuring Fun Novelty Yarns.
Yummy Yarns: Knits For Kids
But so adept is he at manipulating his two primary materials that every piece soon begins to
look alike and craft almost becomes a nonissue.
Matthew Ronay: Andrea Rosen Gallery
GARY Lineker dresses up as a Britney Spears
look alike in a new Walkers Crisps ad for Comic Relief.
Gary dons Britney pigtails
look alike remained unrepentant as he walked free from court yesterday after waging a foulmouthed hate campaign against his former neighbours.
It's punishment Jim but not as we know it
Corner drug stores in Peru are beginning to
look alike. Pretty soon, they may all
look alike.
Power up: big pharmacies boost technology spending in Peru. Can the little guys hack it?
I've even noticed in the Nov/Dec issue how much some of the old shooters are starting to
look alike. On page 40, Mike Plaxco is starting to look like Brian Enos and Ernest Langdon is starting to look like Mike Plaxco.
Genetic mutations?
The BFAs for the M16 and M4 may
look alike, but looks are deceiving.
The latest on BFAs: small arms ..
All females
look alike and have the rapacity to become reproductive if they achieve top rank.
To call in punishment, top ant smears rival. (Ant Enforcers)
To most frequent travelers all hotel rooms
look alike. Not any more, especially if W Hotels has its way.
A new look in business hotels
And as noted by our Beltway sentinel, in this context wet won't do whet's work, albeit the two sound and even
look alike. Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 2nd ed., observes at whet: "- v.t.
You can lead your hound to Heska, but will he rinse?
After several minutes she said, "I don't have any such listing, but I can give you the Gay and Lesbian Chorus." Frustrated but amused, I pondered why she would think someone seeking a national rights organization for help about gay parenting would be just as pleased to have the number of a chorus--it seemed a peculiar twist on the "all you queer folk
look alike" mentality.
Gay ... with children
But Hide argues that animals that
look alike don't always come from the same ancestor.
Family feud
It happened to me once in a Nairobi club, but while the guy I was supposed to resemble is a friend, neither of us thinks we
look alike.
Doppelganger is in the eyes of the beholder, and sometimes the beer holder