pay the bills

pay the bills

Literally, to pay for one's expenses (such as rent, utilities, etc.). I'm so broke this month that I can hardly pay the bills. Being an actor won't necessarily pay the bills, honey, so I think you should study something else in college.
See also: bill, pay
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be (something) to the good
  • be to the good
  • go broke
  • to the good
  • all found
  • advance (something) to (one)
  • advance to
  • same here
  • advanced
  • advance
References in classic literature
I'll let Leonce pay the bills. I wonder what he'll say when he sees the bills.
Every one of these minor firms claimed and received the privilege of drawing bills on Pizzituti, Turlington & Branca for amounts varying from four to six thousand pounds--on no better security than a verbal understanding that the money to pay the bills should be forwarded before they fell due.
Take my luggage on board the Campania to-morrow afternoon, and pay the bill at the hotel.
"Never mind; you tell them I'll pay the bill!" and he vanished, nodding genially to an acquaintance who drove by.
Additionally, Lawson is recommending all seniors make sure their senior exemptions are in place and carefully check their bills -- especially those who pay the bills through escrow with their mortgage as mortgage companies simply pay the bill.
Justice Amir Hani Muslim inquired you use electricity but why you don't pay the bills.
Qaimkhani also requested the media to play a role in creating awareness among the citizens so that they pay the bills regularly.
Summary: BEIRUT: Caretaker Finance Minister Raya Hassan refuted Thursday the claims of caretaker Energy and Water Minister Jibran Bassil that she had refused to pay the bills of Egyptian gas which Lebanon receives.
Or maybe they have been awarded a Macmillan grant to help pay the bills? A recent Macmillan survey found that two thirds of cancer patients struggling financially say paying fuel bills is their biggest money worry.
However, he claimed his sons couldn't pay the bills because they were supporting their wives and children, along with him, his wife, two daughters and two other sons.
According to the VA, some veterans received phone calls from a man indicating he was from the "VA pharmacy" who asked veterans for their Social Security number and a list of medications because of "new co-pay regulations." Officials said the caller told the veterans they owe $800 because of a co-pay change at the VA and asked for credit card information to pay the bills.
"Making films doesn't pay the bills," says Jeremy, 24, who declines to give his last name.
But the staff may close up shop as the state looks into the shady way the folks at WCRS pay the bills: bingo nights.
If you fall off a roof and wind up in a wheelchair, how are you going to pay the bills? That's what disability insurance is for.