
Related to hand: hand brake, invisible hand, Short Hand


An initialism of "have a nice day." Used especially in text messaging and online communications. A: "OK, I'd better get going." B: "Later! HAND!"

hand (someone) (something)

To pass or give something to someone directly. I took a cupcake and then handed my mom the plate. Hand Ed this envelope, will you? You'll see him before I do.
See also: hand
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hand someone something

Fig. to tell someone something; to tell someone nonsense. Don't hand me that stuff! That's silly! She handed me a line about being a famous author.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.


See Have a nice day
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (from) hand to mouth
  • (my) right hand to God
  • (one's) (hand)writing is like chicken scratch
  • (one's) hands are clean
  • (one's) hands are full
  • (one's) hands are tied
  • (one's) life is in (someone's) hands
  • (one's) only got one pair of hands
  • (one) only has one pair of hands
  • (some number of) games in hand
  • (someone's) blood is on (one's) hands
  • (with) hat in hand
  • Cold hands, warm heart
  • Dead Man's Hand
  • HAND
  • Hand it over
  • Hands off!
  • Hands up!
  • Have a nice day
  • I have only got one pair of hands
  • I only have one pair of hands
  • I've only got one pair of hands
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Many hands make light work
  • One hand for oneself and one for the ship
  • The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
  • Time hangs heavy on hands
  • a big hand
  • a bird in hand
  • a bird in the hand
  • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • a dab hand
  • a fine Italian hand
  • a firm hand
  • a free hand
  • a game in hand
  • a hand for (someone or something)
  • a hand in
  • a hand in (something)
  • a hand like a foot
  • a hand with
  • a hand with (something)
  • a hand's turn
  • a heavy hand
  • a helping hand
  • a hot hand
  • a pair of hands
  • a safe pair of hands
  • a show of hands
  • a steady hand on the tiller
  • all hands
  • all hands and the cook
  • all hands on deck
  • all hands to the pumps
  • an iron fist
  • an iron fist/hand
  • an iron hand
  • an iron hand in a velvet glove
  • an old hand
  • ask (someone) for (one's) hand
  • ask for/win somebody's hand
  • at first hand
  • at hand
  • at second hand
  • at the hand of
  • at the hand(s) of (someone or something)
  • at the hands of somebody
  • at the hands of someone
  • avocado hand
  • back of (one's) hand
  • back of one's hand
  • back of one's hand, to give (someone) the
  • bare hands, with one's
  • be a dab hand
  • be a dab hand at
  • be a dab hand at something/at doing something
  • be able to count (someone or something) on one hand
  • be able to count (someone or something) on the fingers of one hand
  • be able to count somebody/something on one hand
  • be good with (one's) hands
  • be good with your hands
  • be hand and foot to (one)
  • be in (one's) hands
  • be in hand
  • be in safe hands
  • be like putty in someone's hands
  • be on hand
  • be out of (one's) hands
  • be putty in (one's) hands
  • be rubbing (one's) hands (with glee)
  • be rubbing your hands
  • be rubbing your hands with glee
  • be wringing (one's) hands
  • be wringing your hands
  • bear a hand
  • beat (one) hands down
  • beat (someone) hands down
  • big hand
  • bind (one) hand and foot
  • bind someone hand and foot
  • bind/tie somebody hand and foot
  • bird in the hand
  • bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • bird in the hand, a
  • bite the hand that feeds
  • bite the hand that feeds (you)
  • bite the hand that feeds one
  • bite the hand that feeds you
  • bite the hand that feeds you, to
  • bottom hand
  • bound hand and foot
  • by (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • by (one's) own hand
  • by a show of hands
  • by hand
  • can count on the fingers of one hand
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • can't find butt with both hands
  • can't keep (one's) hands off (someone)
  • can't see (one's) hand in front of (one's) face
  • can't see hand in front of face
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • cap in hand
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • cash in hand
  • catch (one) with (one's) hand in the cookie jar
  • catch (one) with (one's) hand in the till
  • catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar
  • caught with (one's) hand in the cookie jar
  • change hands
  • clean hands, have
  • close at hand
  • close only counts in horseshoes (and hand grenades)
  • close to hand
  • cold hands, warm heart
  • come cap in hand
  • copy out (by hand)
  • could (do something) with one hand tied behind (one's) back
  • count (something) on the fingers of one hand
  • count something on the fingers of one hand
  • cup (one's) hands together
  • cup hands together
  • deal in
  • devil finds work for idle hands to do
  • die by (one's) own hand
  • die by own hand
  • dirty (one's) hands
  • dirty one's hands
  • dishpan hands
  • dismiss (someone or something) out of hand
  • do something with one hand behind your back
  • don't bite the hand that feeds (you)
  • don't hand me that line
  • don't hand me that story
  • eat out of (one's) hand
  • eat out of hand
  • eat out of someone's hand
  • eat out of someone's hand, to
  • extra pair of hands
  • fall into (someone or something's) hands
  • fall into (someone's or something's) hands
  • fall into somebody's hands/the hands of somebody
  • fall into someone's hands
  • fall into the hands of (someone or something)
  • fall into the hands of (someone)
  • fall into the wrong hands
  • feed someone a line
  • fill (one's) hand
  • find (one) with (one's) hand in the till
  • firm hand
  • firm hand on the tiller
  • first hand
  • fling (one's) hands up
  • fling (one's) hands up in (some emotion)
  • fling up (one's) hands
  • fling up (one's) hands in (some emotion)
  • fold (one's) hands
  • fold hands
  • force (one's) hand
  • force hand
  • force somebody's hand
  • force someone's hand
  • free hand
  • from hand to hand
  • from my cold, dead hands
  • full hand
  • gain the upper hand
  • get (one's) hand in (something)
  • get (one's) hands dirty
  • get (one's) hands off (of) (something or someone)
  • get (one's) hands off (something or someone)
  • get (one's) hands on (someone)
  • get (one's) hands on (something)
  • get a free hand
  • get a free hand with (something)
  • get a hand (with something)
  • get a hand for (something)
  • get a hand on (something)
  • get hands dirty and dirty hands; soil hands
  • get into the wrong hands
  • get out of hand
  • get the glad hand
  • get the upper hand
  • get the upper hand on (someone or something)
  • get the whip hand
  • get your hand in
  • get your hands dirty
  • get your hands on someone
  • get your hands on something
  • get, have, etc. a free hand
  • get, have, gain, etc. the upper hand
  • get, have, hold, etc. the whip hand
  • get/lay your hands on somebody
  • get/lay your hands on something
  • give (one) a big hand
  • give (one) a free hand
  • give (one) the glad hand
  • give (someone or something) a hand
  • give (someone) the back of (one's) hand
  • give a hand
  • give somebody a big hand
  • give somebody a hand
  • give someone a big hand
  • give someone the glad hand
  • give with one hand and take away with the other
  • glad hand
  • glad-hand
  • go cap in hand
  • go cap in hand (to someone)
  • go cap in hand to someone
  • go hand in hand
  • go hang yourself
  • go hat in hand to (someone)
  • go hat in hand to someone
  • go to hell in a handbasket
  • go to hell in a handcart
  • grease (one's) hand
  • grease someone's palm
  • hand
  • hand (one) (one's) head
  • hand (one) (something) on a plate
  • hand (one) a lemon
  • hand (someone) (something)
  • hand (something) in to (one)
  • hand (something) to (one) on a (silver) platter
  • hand (something) to (someone) on a plate
  • hand and foot
  • hand and glove
  • hand and glove with (someone or something)
  • hand around
  • hand back
  • hand back to (someone)
  • hand down
  • hand down from (someone) to (one)
  • hand down from to
  • hand in
  • hand in (one's) dinner pail
  • hand in (one's) notice
  • hand in glove
  • hand in glove with (someone or something)
  • hand in hand
  • hand in the till, with one's
  • hand in your dinner pail
  • hand it to
  • hand it to (someone)
  • hand it to someone
  • hand job
  • hand off
  • hand off to (someone)
  • hand on
  • hand on the baton
  • hand on the torch
  • hand out
  • hand over
  • hand over fist
  • hand over hand
  • hand over the baton
  • hand over the reins
  • hand round
  • hand someone a lemon
  • hand someone something
  • hand someone something on a plate
  • hand something to somebody on a plate
  • hand that rocks the cradle, the
  • hand to
  • hand to (one)
  • hand to God
  • hand to hand
  • hand to mouth
  • hand to mouth, exist/live from
  • hand to mouth, from
  • hand to on a silver platter
  • hand up
  • hand up (to someone)
  • hand-in-glove
  • hand-me-down
  • hand-to-mouth
  • hands are tied
  • hands are tied, my/one's
  • hands down
  • hands off
  • hands up
  • hands-on
  • handwaving
  • hang noodles on my ears
  • hat in hand
  • hat in hand, to go/with
  • have (got) to hand it to (someone)
  • have (hand)writing like chicken scratch
  • have (one's) fingers in the till
  • have (one's) hand in (something)
  • have (one's) hand in the cookie jar
  • have (one's) hand in the till
  • have (one's) hand out
  • have (one's) hands full
  • have (one's) hands on (something)
  • have (one's) hands tied
  • have (someone or something) at hand
  • have (someone or something) on (one's) hands
  • have (someone's) blood on (one's) hands
  • have (someone) eating out of (one's) hand
  • have (someone) eating out of the palm of (one's) hand
  • have (someone) in the palm of (one's) hand
  • have (something) in (one's) hands
  • have (something) in hand
  • have (something) well in hand
  • have a free hand
  • have a hand for (someone or something)
  • have a hand in
  • have a hand in (something)
  • have a hand in something
  • have a hand like a foot
  • have at fingertips
  • have blood on hands
  • have blood on your hands
  • have clean hands
  • have hand in
  • have hand in the till
  • have hands full
  • have hands tied
  • have in hand
  • have in hands
  • have on hands
  • have one's hands full
  • have one's hands full, to
  • have somebody eating out of your hand
  • have somebody in the palm of your hand
  • have someone eating out of your hand
  • have someone in the palm of your hand
  • have the upper hand
  • have the whip hand
  • have time on (one's) hands
  • have time on hands
  • have time on your hands
  • have to hand it to
  • have to hand it to somebody
  • have to hand it to someone
  • have your fingers/hand in the till
  • have your hand in the till
  • have your hands full
  • have/take a hand in something/in doing something
  • heavy hand
  • heavy hand, with a
  • helping hand
  • hired hand
  • hold (one's) hand
  • hold (someone) in the palm of (one's) hand
  • hold hand
  • hold somebody's hand
  • hold someone's hand
  • hold the whip hand
  • idle hands are the devil's playthings
  • idle hands are the devil's tools
  • idle hands are the devil's workshop
  • if ifs and ands were pots and pans
  • in (one's) hands
  • in good hands
  • in hand
  • in one's hands
  • in safe hands
  • in safe/good hands
  • in the hands of
  • in the hands of (someone)
  • in the hands of somebody
  • in the hollow of (one's) hand
  • in the hollow of your hand
  • in the palm of (one's) hand
  • in the palm of your hand
  • in your hands
  • iron hand
  • iron hand (in a velvet glove), to rule with an
  • join hands
  • keep (one's) hand in (something)
  • keep (one's) hands clean
  • keep (one's) hands off (something or someone)
  • keep (one's) hands to (oneself)
  • keep hand in
  • keep hands off
  • keep hands to
  • keep on the left(-hand) side
  • keep on the right(-hand) side
  • keep one's hand in
  • keep your hand in
  • kings have long hands
  • know (something) like the back of (one's) hand
  • know (something) like the palm of (one's) hand
  • know like a book
  • know like the palm of hand
  • know something like the back of your hand
  • lay (one's) hands on (someone or something)
  • lay a hand on (one)
  • lay hands on
  • leave (someone or something) in (one's) hands
  • leave (someone or something) in the hands of (one)
  • leave in hands
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
  • lend (one) a hand
  • lend (someone) a hand
  • lend a hand
  • lend a hand to (one)
  • lend a hand with
  • lend a hand with (something)
  • lie in
  • lift (one's) hand against (someone)
  • lift a hand
  • lift/raise a hand against somebody
  • live from hand to mouth
  • live hand to mouth
  • lose money hand over fist
  • make (something) by (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • make (something) with (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • make money hand over fist
  • make, etc. something by/with your own fair hand
  • make/lose money hand over fist
  • many hands make light work
  • near at hand
  • near to hand
  • not dirty (one's) hands
  • not dirty your hands
  • not do a hand's turn
  • not lift a finger
  • not lift a hand
  • not lift a hand to help
  • off (one's) hands
  • off hands
  • off somebody's hands
  • off someone's hands
  • off your hands
  • oil (one's) hand
  • oil (one's) palm
  • old hand
  • old hand at something
  • on (one's) hands
  • on (one's) hands and knees
  • on all hands
  • on either hand
  • on either/every hand
  • on every hand
  • on hand
  • on one hand
  • on one hand...on the other...
  • on one's hands
  • on somebody's hands
  • on someone's hands
  • on the one hand
  • on the other hand
  • on your hands
  • on your hands and knees
  • one hand for (oneself) and one (hand) for the ship
  • one hand washes the other
  • one hand washes the other (and both wash the face)
  • out of (one's) hands
  • out of control
  • out of hand
  • out of hands
  • out of somebody's hands
  • out of your hands
  • overplay (one's) hand
  • overplay your hand
  • pair of hands
  • pass in
  • pass the baton
  • pass the torch
  • play (right) into (one's) hands
  • play (right) into the hands of (one)
  • play into hands
  • play into hands
  • play into somebody's hands
  • play into someone's hands
  • play into the hands of
  • play the hand (one) is dealt
  • put (one's) hand in (one's) pocket
  • put (one's) hand into (one's) pocket
  • put (one's) hand on (one's) heart
  • put (one's) hand to (something)
  • put (one's) hand to the plough
  • put (one's) hand to the plow
  • put (one's) hand up
  • put (one's) hands on (someone or something)
  • put (one's) hands together (for someone or something)
  • put (one's) hands up
  • put hand to the plow
  • put hand up
  • put hands on
  • put up (one's) hand
  • put your hand in your pocket
  • put your hand in/into your pocket
  • put your hand to the plough
  • put your hands together
  • put your hands together for someone
  • put your hands up
  • putty in (one's) hands
  • putty in hands
  • putty in somebody's hands
  • putty in someone's hands
  • putty in your hands
  • raise (one's) hand
  • raise (one's) hand against (someone)
  • raise a hand
  • raise a hand against
  • raise a hand against (one)
  • read the (hand)writing on the wall
  • reject (someone or something) out of hand
  • reject out of hand
  • reveal (one's) hand
  • right-hand man
  • rub (one's) hands
  • rub hands
  • rub one's hands
  • rub your hands
  • rule with a rod of iron/with an iron hand
  • rule with an iron hand
  • rule with an iron hand/rod, to
  • run fingers through hair
  • safe pair of hands
  • second hand
  • second, third, etc. hand
  • secondhand
  • see the (hand)writing on the wall
  • set (one's) hand to
  • set your hand to
  • shake (one's) hand
  • shake hands
  • shake hands (with one)
  • shake hands on (something)
  • shake hands on something
  • shake hands with the unemployed
  • show (one's) hand
  • show (someone) the back of (one's) hand
  • show hand
  • show of hands
  • show one's hand
  • show one's hand, to
  • show your hand
  • show/reveal your hand
  • sit on (one's) hands
  • sit on hands
  • sit on its hands
  • sit on one's hands
  • sit on your hands
  • sleight of hand
  • soil (one's) hands
  • someone's hands are clean
  • someone's only got one pair of hands
  • stand on (one's) hands
  • stay (one's) hand
  • stay someone's hand
  • stay your/somebody's hand
  • steady hand on the tiller
  • strengthen (one's) hand
  • strengthen someone's hand
  • strengthen the hand of (someone)
  • strengthen your hand
  • strike hands
  • sully (one's) hands
  • sully your hands
  • take (one's or someone's) life in(to) (one's) (own) hands
  • take (one's) courage in both hands
  • take (one's) hands off (something or someone)
  • take (someone or something) in hand
  • take (someone or something) off (one's) hands
  • take (something) into (one's) own hands
  • take a hand in
  • take a hand in (something)
  • take hands off
  • take in hand
  • take into one's own hands, to
  • take life in hands
  • take matters into (one's) own hands
  • take matters into your own hands
  • take off hands
  • take somebody/something in hand
  • take someone in hand
  • take someone or something in hand
  • take someone's life
  • take something/somebody off somebody's hands
  • take the law into (one's) own hands
  • take the law into one's hands
  • take the law into own hands
  • take the law into your own hands
  • take your courage in both hands
  • take your life in your hands
  • talk to the hand
  • talk to/tell it to the hand
  • the (hand)writing is on the wall
  • the (hand)writing on the wall
  • the ace in (one's) hand
  • the ace in your hand
  • the dead hand
  • the dead hand of (something)
  • the dead hand of something
  • the devil finds work for idle hands
  • the devil finds work for idle hands to do
  • the devil makes work for idle hands
  • the glad hand
  • the hand that rocks the cradle (rules the world)
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
  • the matter at hand
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
  • the upper hand
  • the whip hand
  • thirdhand
  • throw (one's) hand in
  • throw hands up
  • throw hands up in horror
  • throw in (one's) hand
  • throw in one's hand
  • throw in your hand
  • throw up (one's) hands
  • throw up (one's) hands in despair
  • throw up (one's) hands in frustration
  • throw up (one's) hands in horror
  • throw up hands
  • throw up one's hands
  • throw up one's hands, to
  • throw up your hands/arms in despair, horror, etc.
  • throw your hand in
  • tie (one's) hands
  • tie (one) hand and foot
  • tie hands
  • tie one's hands
  • tie somebody's hands
  • time hangs heavy
  • time on (one's) hands
  • time on hands
  • time on one's hands
  • time on one's hands, (to have)
  • time on your hands
  • tip (one's) hand
  • tip hand
  • tip one's hand
  • tip one’s hand
  • tip your hand
  • to hand
  • top hand
  • try (one's) hand (at something)
  • try hand
  • try one's hand
  • try your hand
  • try your hand at something
  • turn (one's) hand to (something)
  • turn hand to
  • turn one's hand to
  • turn your hand to something
  • upper hand
  • upper hand, to have the
  • wait on (someone) hand and foot
  • wait on hand and foot
  • wait on hand and foot, to
  • wait on somebody hand and foot
  • wait on someone hand and foot
  • wait upon (someone) hand and foot
  • wandering hands
  • wash (one's) hands
  • wash (one's) hands of (someone or something)
  • wash hands of
  • wash one's hands of
  • wash one's hands of (something), to
  • wash your hands
  • wash your hands of
  • wash your hands of somebody/something
  • wash your hands of something/someone
  • well in hand
  • win (something) hands down
  • win /beat somebody hands down
  • win hands down
  • win hands down, to
  • with (one's) bare hands
  • with (one's) hand in the cookie jar
  • with (one's) hand in the till
  • with (one's) hand on (one's) heart
  • with (one's) own fair hands
  • with a heavy hand
  • with a high hand
  • with bloody hand
  • with both hands
  • with one arm tied behind one's back
  • with one hand behind your back
  • with one hand tied behind (one's) back
  • with one hand tied behind back
  • with one hand tied behind your back
  • with your bare hands
  • with your hand in the cookie jar
  • with your hand on your heart
  • work hand in glove with (someone or something)
  • work hand in hand
  • wring (one's) hands
  • wring your hands
  • you have to hand it to someone
  • your hands are tied
  • your life is in someone's hands
  • your right-hand man
References in classic literature
"Straight flush of four, open at both ends--a good drawing hand."
Chilton, you don't mean--you didn't try to get somebody's hand and heart once, like Mr.
So, when we left him, he lay handcuffed hand and foot.
Hereupon Startop took him in hand, though with a much better grace than I had shown, and exhorted him to be a little more agreeable.
The dead jeddak's hands and head were removed to be added to the ornaments of his conqueror, and then his women cremated what remained, amid wild and terrible laughter.
But Neville throws him off, and pauses for an instant, in a raging passion, with the goblet yet in his uplifted hand. Then, he dashes it down under the grate, with such force that the broken splinters fly out again in a shower; and he leaves the house.
"Then shift your pistol to the other hand," said the Persian.
As he held out his hand for the shoe that had been taken from him, Mr.
I was alone again with my earthly fellow-beings--left with no clew to guide me but the remembrance of the child's hand pointing eastward to the distant sea.
At his feet had squatted his three old wives, the oldest of them, toothless and somewhat palsied, ever presenting to his hand, at his head nod, a basket rough-woven of pandanus leaf.
Then I pointed to Chaka with my withered hand, saying, "Behold your king!"
In the midst of the service the voices of the priests suddenly ceased, they whispered to one another, and the old servant who was holding the count's hand got up and said something to the ladies.
Observing this, and how, without another word, he made off, and observing too the resignation of the plaintiff, Sancho buried his head in his bosom and remained for a short space in deep thought, with the forefinger of his right hand on his brow and nose; then he raised his head and bade them call back the old man with the stick, for he had already taken his departure.
He held up his hand, rubbing the ball of the thumb over the calloused palm and gazing at the dirt that was ingrained in the flesh itself and which no brush could scrub away.
Withdrawing my hand when another hand already stretcheth out to it; hesitating like the cascade, which hesitateth even in its leap:--thus do I hunger for wickedness!