give my best to (someone)

give my best to (someone)

Convey my best wishes or regards to someone. Give my best to Aunt Pat, will you? I was really hoping I'd see her here today. I'll see you soon, and please, give my best to Mary!
See also: give
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Give my best to someone

 and All the best to someone.
Please convey my good wishes to a particular person. (The someone can be a person's name or a pronoun. See also Say hello to someone (for me).) Alice: Good-bye, Fred. Give my best to your mother. Fred: Sure, Alice. Good-bye. Tom: See you, Bob. Bob: Give my best to Jane. Tom: I sure will. Bye. Bill: Bye, Rachel. All the best to your family. Rachel: Thanks. Bye.
See also: give
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • Give my best to
  • all the best to (someone)
  • best do
  • (had) best (do something)
  • look (one's)/its best
  • look your/its best
  • as best (one) can
  • as best one can
  • as best you can
  • far and away