concur on (someone or something)
concur on (someone or something)
To agree on a particular person or idea. Have you two concurred on a recipient for the scholarship? We definitely concur on the fact that this town is the ideal place to raise our family.
See also: concur, on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
concur on someone or something (with someone)
and concur (on someone or something) with someoneto agree with someone about someone or something. I certainly do concur on this matter with all of you. I concur with you on Tom. We concurred with the committee on you as our choice for the job. We concurred on the plans with the council.
See also: concur, on
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- concur
- concur on
- herm
- concur with (one)
- concur with (one) on (someone or something)
- concur on (someone or something) with (one)
- send (one's) love to (someone)
- give (one's) love to (someone)
- give/send my love to somebody
- track with (something)