
condemn (someone or something) as (something)

To judge someone or something harshly and unfavorably. The other troops have condemned me as a traitor. The actress was quick to condemn the report as slander.
See also: condemn

condemn (someone or something) for (something)

To judge someone or something harshly for a particular action. The other troops have condemned me for consorting with a known enemy. The actress was quick to condemn the newspaper for spreading lies about her.
See also: condemn

condemn (someone) to (something)

To assign one a particular fate or punishment. That criminal has been condemned to a life of hard labor.
See also: condemn
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

condemn someone as something

to blame or judge someone as being something bad. The team condemned Larry as a traitor. Max was condemned as a common thief.
See also: condemn

condemn someone for something

to blame or judge someone for something or for having done something. I really can't condemn her for doing it. I would have done the same too. Don't condemn yourself for the accident. It was no one's fault.
See also: condemn

condemn someone to something

[for a judge] to sentence someone to something; to relegate someone to a particular punishment. By confessing, he condemned himself to many years in prison. I don't want to condemn you to a life of unpleasantness.
See also: condemn
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • condemn (someone or something) as (something)
  • condemn as
  • condemn for
  • condemn (someone or something) for (something)
  • be rough on (someone or something)
  • take a poor view of (someone or something)
  • crack down on (something)
  • crack down on, to
  • be soft on (someone)
  • I don't mind telling you (something)
References in classic literature
The ballots had been thrown; they were all black, and Justine was condemned.
Ever since I was condemned, my confessor has besieged me; he threatened and menaced, until I almost began to think that I was the monster that he said I was.
I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me and think of me as of one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me.
The executioner, heedless about operating according to the rules of art, made such haste that he dispatched the condemned in a couple of minutes.
The halberds of the motley beadles clanked; and, a few moments later, a long procession of priests in chasubles, and deacons in dalmatics, marched gravely towards the condemned girl, as they drawled their song, spread out before her view and that of the crowd.
He turned his back on the condemned girl, his head sank upon his breast once more, he crossed his hands and rejoined his escort of priests, and a moment later he was seen to disappear, with the cross, the candles, and the copes, beneath the misty arches of the cathedral, and his sonorous voice was extinguished by degrees in the choir, as he chanted this verse of despair,--
At the same time, the intermittent clash of the iron butts of the beadles' halberds, gradually dying away among the columns of the nave, produced the effect of a clock hammer striking the last hour of the condemned.
The condemned girl remained motionless in her place, waiting to be disposed of.
She remembered that she had been condemned to death for murder committed on the person of Phoebus de Châteaupers.
This shock restored the condemned girl to her senses.
In fact, within the bounds of Notre-Dame, the condemned girl could not be touched.
And then, it was touching to behold this protection which had fallen from a being so hideous upon a being so unhappy, a creature condemned to death saved by Quasimodo.
"To do justice to them who had condemned me, they kept their word.
If you know a prayer, say it--for you are condemned, and you shall die."
Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism, Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights Condemn Damascus Twin Blasts The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism and the Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights condemned in the strongest of terms the twin blasts which rocked Damascus Saturday.