break a code
break a/the code
To determine or decipher a secret code. It is imperative that we break the enemy code and access their plans. She definitely broke the code on my phone—her picture is suddenly my new background!
See also: break, code
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
break a code
to figure out a code; to decipher a secret code. The intelligence agents finally broke the enemy's code. When they broke the code, they were able to decipher messages.
See also: break, code
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- break a/the code
- code yellow
- code brown
- fortunes of war
- the fortunes of war
- seduce
- seduce (one) (away) from (someone or something)
- seduce from
- be in favor of (something)
- be in favour of something/of doing something