After all these years, and
goodness knows how many expense-account miles, my think-bubble still fills with anticipatory asterisks and exclamation marks at the prospect of meeting someone new.
Some of My Best Friends Are Strangers
Designed by a young person with superb eyesight and no thought for Internet Explorer's extremely useful Text Size function, it's actually a pretty cool site and the low resolution of the too-small images was probably decided on more in the cause of speed than as a bar to students downloading the images and doing
goodness knows what with them -- as many name architects seem to fear.
Browser: Sutherland Lyall nimbly swings through the forests of architectural cyberspace. (View)
And go figure: Taboo, written by
goodness knows how many queers, centers on a hetero love story.
Not your auntie's show tunes. (the Buzz)
Do you ever see healthcare workers that do their grocery shopping on their way home from work in the uniform that they have done "
goodness knows what" in all day?
Safety means paying attention
If the Mayflower had been sent packing, Europe would have remained pretty much unaffected - and imagine, there would have been no America to rescue us from Kaiser Wilhelm II, Hitler, Mussolini, and
goodness knows who else.
What if all Americans were sent packing?
Goodness knows how it won awards and how some who took part in it are now "celebrities"!
Thanks goodness for Dad's Army
Goodness knows what sort of help medical staff could expect if a separatist Scotland had to rely on its own resources.
Helping hands; Letters.
WITH 120,000 patients waiting more than four hours in September,
goodness knows what that will be in mid winter.
Long, painful wait as winter takes hold; Letters
Multiply this by
goodness knows how many incidents, and it's little wonder that our council is going to pot.
Kirklees 'going to pot' FEEDBACK
"Over the past
goodness knows how long it has all been based on the 800, so if we were going to change things he would know whether I would be able to do that sort of stuff and at good quality."
Adlington must make a decision; SPORT SHORTS SWIMMING
goodness knows where the writer gets the idea that the team is full of foreigners, as it is not.
Games for all GB not England
WHILE this government deliberates on how many millions we can or should give in overseas aid and while many residents in the UK announce that all overseas aid should be stopped and quote that old saying - charity begins at home, a scientist in this country, Dr Dom Lane, a consultant food researcher, is paid to conduct lengthy experiments using 2,000 slices of bread and
goodness knows how much electricity in order to determine the best way to produce the best slice of toast.
A waste of toast; Your say
"I have lots of gay friends and was d e l i g h ted to be involved."
Goodness knows what corner store prude, Norris Cole, would make of it...
Kym's butch look
Thursday, still no collection, so this obnoxious waste has been left in the heat of the day until
goodness knows when.
Ignored by our refuse service; Letters
Goodness knows how James will react when he gets the bill from Southern Electric."
Hot-tub Sophie gives brother electric shock; THE DIKLER The talk of racing