crown of thorns

crown of thorns

Something that causes one pain and suffering. Alludes to the crown of thorns that Jesus was made to wear before his crucifixion. Its usage is similar to the phrase "cross to bear." I can't stand to see how sick she has become. This illness is a real crown of thorns. This class is my crown of thorns. No matter how much I study, I just keep getting awful grades.
See also: crown, of, thorn
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a Judas kiss
  • tell (one) what (one) can do with (something)
  • tell someone what to do with something
  • tell what to do with
  • birthday
  • birthday suit
  • back number
  • a back number
  • don't jump the gun
  • champ at the bit
References in periodicals archive
Ms Hidalgo said the Crown of Thorns had been taken into safekeeping.
Revelation of the existence of the real Crown of Thorns stands to destroy the Christian belief of the revered reliquary that has been held in the Notre Dame Cathedral since 1239.
The crown of thorns had belonged to the French kings since King Louis IX bought it in Venice in 1239.
Crown Of Thorns Concern that this horse, who has a history of physical problems, is switching to dirt for first time.
Occasioned by the Laurenz Foundation's acquisition of a number of works from Barney's series "Drawing Restraint," 1987-, this show marshals religions paintings, woodcuts, and engravings by the unimpeachable greats of the Northern Renaissance, bringing into "dialogue" iconography from the fourteen Stations of the Cross and elements of the (thus far) sixteen parts of "DR." What will Cranach's Head of Christ with Crown of Thorns, ca.
The Nebraska-based Oriental Trading Company knows "how to make the world more fun!" Their child-size crown of thorns is just the ticket to make sure your Sunday school kids know what suffering is all about.
Dubai: Two of four different species of a coral-killing starfish, called Crown of Thorns (COT), have been found on the East Coast.
The message said the stripes on candy canes "remind us of Jesus' suffering--his crown of thorns, the wounds in his hands and feet; and the cross on which he died," while the white part of the candy "stands for Jesus as the holy, sinless Son of Cod."
Along with bleaching and disease, the alien species known as the crown of thorns starfish is having a devastating impact on the Great Barrier Reef and other important coral formations.
Roman soldiers stripped him and placed a crown of thorns on his head and he was nailed to a wooden cross.
The sculpture, by Ales Vesely, looks like a combination of a skeleton, a giant emaciated crow and a crown of thorns or barbed wire; it was, the inscription explained, "symbolically placed above the memorial of Jan Palach and Jan Zajic," two students who immolated themselves in 1969 to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the destruction of the Prague Spring.
During the provocative passage in her concert, Madonna is shown on a mirrored cross wearing a crown of thorns. She has explained that it was meant to illustrate a theme of confession.
The family-run Holy Land Imports, LLC, offers unique headgear for the dedicated Christian: a lovingly handmade Crown of Thorns just like Jesus wore.
Madonna has sparked a storm of controversy by kicking off her world tour with a mock crucifixion while wearing a crown of thorns.