References in periodicals archive
The sheriff's office said Oregon has roughly 6,000 cougars - also commonly called mountain lions or pumas - throughout the state.
In 2011, Cougar opened the Halifax Heliport to support operations in its founding city.
Also known as panthers or pumas, cougars eat deer and smaller mammals and are generally solitary and secretive.
"The first victim saw his friend being pulled by the cougar.
Cougars - also known as mountain lions - are the fourth largest
"One shot hit the cougar, and it ran down into the trees and they found it dead down there."
Although not especially nocturnal, the cougar is a shy, retiring cat, and plentiful sightings are uncommon.
How are you feeling about Cougar The Musical making its UK premiere?
In 2011, a cougar was hit by a car and killed on a Connecticut highway.
I have spent much of the last three years traveling across the US and meeting with ranchers, cougar biologists, conservationists, and big cat hunters to try to understand how (or, as some would see it, whether) humans can coexist with these predators.
The first chapter summarizes historical accounts of former cougar presence in this region.
* KANSAS: Five confirmed cougar sightings by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks since 2007, three within the last two years.
* Canadian Cougar Convention, Friday, July 12, 2013, 7:30pm, at The Roxy, 932 Granville St, Vancouver BC.
Reports of cougar sightings regularly pop up from the woods of Maine to as far down as the swamps of Louisiana.