could be better
could be better
An unhappy or morose response to a question about one's wellbeing (such as "How are you?"). A: "How are you?" B: "Eh, could be better—work has been so busy lately."
See also: better, could
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(Things) could be better.
and (I) could be better.; (Things) might be better.a response to a greeting meaning "My state is not as good as it might be." (Not necessarily a direct answer.) John: How are things going, Fred? Fred: Things could be better. And you? John: About the same. Bob: Hi, Bill! How are you? Bill: I could be better. What's new with you? Bob: Nothing much.
See also: better, could
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- (I've been) keeping out of trouble
- OK
- been okay
- be doing OK
- be doing OK/okay
- (Have you) been OK?
- been okay?
- doing OK
- doing okay
- doing okay?