
Related to silly: silly season
  • (as) silly as a goose
  • (as) silly as a wheel
  • (oneself) silly
  • (you) silly goose
  • ask a silly question and you get a silly answer
  • ask a silly/stupid question (and you'll get a silly/stupid answer)
  • ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer
  • bored silly
  • boring in the extreme
  • boring, silly, etc. in the extreme
  • drink (oneself) silly
  • drink, laugh, shout, etc. yourself silly
  • laugh (oneself) silly
  • laugh oneself silly
  • laugh yourself silly
  • scare (one) silly
  • scare out of one's wits
  • scared silly
  • scared silly/stiff/to death, to be
  • shout (oneself) silly
  • silly as a goose
  • silly as a wheel
  • silly in the extreme
  • silly money
  • silly season
  • stoned silly
  • the silly season
  • yourself silly
References in classic literature
Won't he shout when I tell him what those silly things say about us poor children?" And Jo laughed, as if on second thoughts the thing struck her as a good joke.
I know I'm a silly little girl, and I'll stay with you till I'm fit to take care of myself.
While some people in South America and Africa "are faced with hideous problems, meanwhile we are occupied with these silly squabbles about Brexit", he added.
John Hempton of Bronte Capital called Harry Markopolos' report today on General Electric "flat-out silly" and "utterly misleading." Hempton, who admits GE is a "deeply problematic company," says its Long Term Care business, which Markopolos focuses on, is "for good reason the best performed Long Term Care business in the world." He adds, "Say what you will, GE remains the unequivocal leader in medical imaging technology and the unequivocal leader in jet engines.
'Tis the season to be very, very, very silly. We are now officially in the Silly Season as measured by most media outlets and Uncle Norbert and I see no reason why this should not be reflected in the letters' page.
Dear Coleen I HAD a row with my best friend recently over something silly but she really took it to heart and won't forgive me.
I had a row with my best friend recently over something silly, but she really took it to heart and won't forgive me.
The next offering at the popular city centre theatre is the laugh out loud comedy Silly Cow by Ben Elton which runs from Tuesday, April 23-Saturday, April 27 at 7.30pm with a matinee performance at 2.30pm on Saturday, April 27.
BUDAPEST, April 1 (Reuters) -- Hundreds of Hungarians marched through central Budapest in a "silly walk" parade on Monday, copying flamboyant moves from British comedy group Monty Python's famous television sketch to mark April Fools' Day.
Sgt Jack Payne, from Shepreth, Cambs, first produced Silly Scotch Ale on October 13, 1918.
Achie, who is also the acting executive for Communication, called journalists silly after the reporters asked Finance executive Nerry Achar to explain the financier of Nyong'o's foreign trips and the benefit of the tours to residents.
Its kind of silly and fun, but silly and fun things are important, Musk said at a post-launch press conference, just giddy about his accomplishment.
Do you too berate yourself about your silly mistakes?
Don't Dilly Dally, Silly Sally Marc Ferrai, author Felipe Diaz Huarnez, illustrator Belle Isle Books c/o Brandylane Publishers 5 South First Street, Richmond, VA 23219 9781939930811, $18.95, PB,